Of all the billions of planets - why did the demons get sent to Earth?

by truthseeker 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bigdreaux

    great question. i'll have to add it to my mental arsenal. thanks

  • Blueblades

    Who told you this?

  • Seeker4

    Because of the babes, of course.

    What fun are they going to have with the bacteria on Mars??

    Next question.


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Awakened's answer is what I was told was the way it works.

  • watson

    He turned 'em loose on us, and guess what....he's going to do it again, in just over 1000 years, as soon as we get comfortable in our perfect skin. That's just so he can be sure we really love him!!

    This is part of our hope.

  • Stealth453

    Because it makes good bible drama, and keeps all of us in-line.

    What better prison than one without walls, guards, and one that is nearly 100% perfect.

  • WTWizard

    I think the likely answer is that the Earth is where the Watchtower Society is. Send them elsewhere, and those under the Tower would not need Jehovah so much.

    In reality, this is another myth whose sole purpose is to get people worried about the demons. When you take people that are not educated (and from the sounds of the a$$embly threads, Jaracz wants people to be uneducated) and get them afraid of the demons, they will take many scientific phenomena as demons. Common are the orange juice pitcher opening itself because of warming air expanding, thermal and wind noises in the house taken for demons, and hallucinations (such as happen when you are just on the borderline of sleeping). When you are programmed to believe that these are demons, you will be terrified.

    I can only hope Ted Jaracz suffers the effects of the demons. I ought to start putting faint audio devices in his room that have recorded demonic messages, and holographic features in the walls that I can remotely set up to put any decoration I want at any time. Then start programming Christmas lights, Halloween sounds and sights, Easter, patriotic sights, seances, and church activities to be projected at random times in his room. I bet he would start being terrified about the demons, since I would not educate him about the system that is doing it. That ought to show him what people are going through that have been programmed to believe that demons are causing all those problems.

    Now, the truth about demon problems. Besides that they have scientific explanations (and often thermal expansion is the root cause), I have invited the demons in my house. I bought a Ouija board on the 2006 Crapmorial. I got onto Satan's Internet. I have posted apostate material on several forums including this one. I bought Crisis of Conscience. I have a substantial number of Christmas decorations already up and running, with more to come. I handle birthday decorating items at work frequently. I have blatantly satanic music in my computer. I listen to rap that glorifies violence and drug use. And, so far, with all the demons crowded on Earth, I haven't had so much as one little nibble. For sure, nothing like what the Puketower Society would have one believe.

  • daystar
    How can this situation be fair?

    It's not. It's also not rational.

    It's a control feature of certain religions. It's all, always, about control... Always the question to ask... Who benefits?

  • coolhandluke

    I thought about this last night while I lay awake. The answer that I came up with from a JW perspective or even from the perspective of a believer in the bible is this: The heavens represent the spirit realm, the earth represents the physical realm. Even though there are many planets and perhaps many species of intelligent life the fact is that the Devil now inhabits the physical realm and only the physical realm. The idea that God would allow him to be here to cause so much trouble can be resolved by thinking from his perspective that any harm or pain done can be undone by him. The stability of 'the big house' or the ruling realm of spirits must be protected at all cost. To disturb that means that the damages done may not be undone in the future.

    So basically God is an impotent selfish prick who would rather we suffer because he has the magic bandaid to fix it all but he can't really be arsed to deal with the nuisance of Satan causing trouble with his favorite children the angels or disturbing his naptime. You know that God gets cranky without his naptime

  • Awakened07

    A question about Satan and his demons: they were active on earth before 1914 as well, right? I mean - in biblical times and actually up until our day, there are stories of possessions and exorcisms. So they've been "toying" with mankind all the time, haven't they? (I don't believe this, I'm asking what JWs believe)

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