Literal Death of God... what do you think?

by DeusMauzzim 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DeusMauzzim

    Anyone here ever did some research on the "Death of God" theological movement in the sixties, connected with names as Altizer and Van Buren?

    Summary: The central idea is that God existed once, but literally died for us, emptying Himself in the creation of the world, and later completely on the stauros. As he gave Himself without holding anything back, there has been no resurrection as in mainstream theology (radical kenoma). So, this universe is made of the body of God in a way, and He set an example for us to follow through Jesus Christ. We must be perfect and all-giving in our Love, like him.

    Your thoughts on this, please!


    Deus Mauzzim

    P.S Some links:,9171,941410-1,00.html

  • Gopher

    Here's a citation from the TIME article:

    They say that it is no longer possible to think about or believe in a transcendent God who acts in human history, and that Christianity will have to survive, if at all, without him.

    It seems that only the more radical philosophers and theologians assert both that God existed and has died. It seems that the central theme of the movement is a SYMBOLIC death of God, as far as humankind is concerned.

    I find it difficult to grasp that if God existed, he literally died. It is more plausible (to me) that either he exists and is a distant figure, or that he never existed at all.

  • nvrgnbk

    This was from April of this year, from found-my-way:

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Gods were created on the basis of human ignorance and imagination as it was thousands of years ago as it is today, over the centuries we've slowly and painfully gained knowledge

    of the world around us through discoveries and scientific conclusions. The door of this knowledge has just begun to open, look how far and how much we've gained in just the last century

    alone. I personally cherish the wisdom of the truth of knowledge and dealing with the reality of life as it presents itself, good or bad.. If anyone thinks that human ignorance was not prevalent

    thousands of years ago, one really needs to do some in-deft history reading or read the bible, Torah, or any ancient religious manuscripts to prove my point. Mysticism is imagination

    supported by ignorance in the human mind, this separates itself from reality and conclusion. Perhaps if men were to finally walk away from their gods and walk toward humanity together we

    would be better off, I think so. In my opinion the death of a god can only happen in the minds of the people who first created it.

  • Gopher

    Brain Dead, that was a great post. You're failing to live up to your poster name.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Thanks Gopher, just thinking out loud

  • Mile 0
    Mile 0

    Excellent, BD.

    Mile 0

  • Hortensia

    for a literal death there'd have to be a literal god. I've never seen any evidence that such a critter exists.

  • GentlyFeral

    Hortensia –

    Well, that's because he's dead, isn't it? ;)

    gently feral

  • Elsewhere

    Don't be silly! The Flying Spaghetti Monster is ALIVE and WELL!!!

    3d fsm

    Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?

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