Why don't Witnesses indentify themselves at the door when in service?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    Ya did you know mormons wear magic underwear?

  • nvrgnbk

    It's embarrassing, like Worldly said.

  • Stealth453

    If the wt bought Avon, we would only have to answer our doors once on Saturday morning.

  • Highlander
    Also, I remember at one service meeting being instructed to not say you were one of Jehovah's Witnesses in your sermon so you'd be more prone to get a hearing ear.

    I recall a brother that always identified himself as a bible student instead of a jehovah's witness.

  • Arthur
    I recall a brother that always identified himself as a bible student instead of a jehovah's witness.

    This became a very rote response that was encouraged through the pages of the KM. The belief is that is one immediately identifies themselves as a JW, the householder won't answer the door.

    Another trite response that has been encouraged is: "We are one of your neighbors."

    From my experience, I found that householders were usually annoyed with such evasiveness. Even after the JW said that they were a "Bible Student", the person still always asked "with which church?"

    I became very weary of the silly sales techniques and tactics that we were encouraged to use on the householders. I quit using them after a while. I found that just being totally open and non-evasive brought better results. But, shame on me for my independent attitude!

  • SirNose586

    I make sure, if I have to go out to save face, I go out and proudly announce that I am a JW and that I'm here to talk about the WATCHTOWER!

    Nothing shuts the door quicker. Every time I do that, my partner chides me but...ehhh...who cares?? Why hide what I'm there for?

  • brunnhilde

    LOL, SirNose586, I always did that too - saved time. The faster the door closed, the less likely I would have to spew more stupid crap that was impossible and embarrassing to try and explain!

  • SirNose586
    LOL, SirNose586, I always did that too - saved time. The faster the door closed, the less likely I would have to spew more stupid crap that was impossible and embarrassing to try and explain!

    Exactly, brunnhilde...honesty is the best policy, and at times I can be honest to a fault.

  • DannyHaszard

    Back in the early 1960's my pioneer elder dad (Bridgewater Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses ca 1955-1970) would advocate the so called SNEAK APPROACH

    This was to disarm the mark and establish common ground before pitching the recruitment sermon

  • Awakened07

    When I started out, we would present ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses, but then after a few years I remember it changed, mostly because people would slam the door right away if you said that.

    So then we started the whole "We're in the neighborhood talking to people about the current state of the world. What is your opinion on how the world is today when you look at the news?" etc. Even when asked who we were, we would be evasive sometimes and try another round of "We're trying to encourage people to read the Bible" etc.

    Today, I understand the "doors" perfectly. If some strangers come to my door, the first thing I want to know is why they are here and what they're selling. Oh, and btw - I remember kinda laughing at people who we could see were home because the peep-hole in the door would go dark then light. Well - today I am that person on the other side of the door. I hate opening the door if I don't recognize the people standing there, and most often I don't answer...

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