I'm sure that this has been gone over before - what hasn't? But, I see that a good number of people here still say things like "I came in to the truth..." or "I learned the truth..." etc. Not being nitpicky or anything but just curious as to why do some still "talk the talk" so to speak. Just out of habit? Now me personally, I avoid their terminology except in a sarcastic or humorous way. But that's just me.
do you still JWspeak?
by knock knock 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No. I go out of my way to avoid wtisms.
F*ck no, no dub speak here.
Philip (of the 80 posts to jedi class.)
I do, it's just habit I guess. It really only happens when I talk to my mom who is still in, or my wife who studied for awhile. I still defend some of their beliefs, actually.
Never around non-JWs.
I speak Worldly Speak. When I'm riled, I use Genuine "Bad" words instead or Darn, Shoot, etc. Oops, I forgot, we weren't even allowed to say those words either.
I try not to. Doing the review means I have to quote WT speak but I try hard to keep it out of my comments or to at least put quotes ("") around those words.
When speaking to jws I do just like I do when I speak German to Germans and Spanish to spanish-speakers if at all possible.
Using the word "grace" instead of "undeserved kindness" is an example. jws have no idea what you mean by grace. Not that undeserved kindness is better but it is best to start with their vocabulary and then explain what your definition is.
It is like Mormons telling you they don't ascribe to a trinity but they do believe Jesus is God (only 2 not three).
I am happy to say that, even w/ my family, I refrain from using their speak. Instead of "the truth", I say "the religion". I didn't even say "the truth" when I was still attending meetings. I really never thought that it was.
"...I was still attending meetings."
Not to be nit-picky here, but isn't 'the meetings' JW-speak for 'going to church'?
I don't call their building a 'kingdom hall' - it's a church.
I have mostly de-programmed the JW-terms, but occassionally, I will see that I still use one or two that I need to find a non-JW term for.
Jim TX
I sometimes do, but only to poke fun at them and use it to further damage the Watchtower Society by showing how ridiculous it is. I have gradually reinstated words and phrases like "Good luck" and "Merry Christmas" into my vocabulary, along with words like Jehovah's Witlesses, Puketower and Asleep, and boasting sessions. The CO I call the hounder-hounders; the DOs, the hounder-hounder-hounders. Elders I refer to as the hounders. All intended to more accurately depict what they actually are.
knock knock
Hey everyone, glad to see others reply. Even the renowned Blondie & Jim -the one it Tx- chimed in. :)
WTwizard; I have seen your hounder-hounderer comments before. Good to have a definition now. :) Only, maybe it's the nonJW's that are the hounded and the JW's as a group that are the hounders. Then go up one level to the hounder-hounders etc. ?? Just messing with ya.
Gotta run or I'll be speaking the unemployed speak! Brother can ya spare a dime...