NEWS FLASH: A tornado in Brooklyn

by Lady Lee 16 Replies latest social current

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Just on the news now. And it doesn't look good

    Think Bethel will speed up the exodus?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    A Brooklyn tornado is a rarity; the last one was in 1889

    7:53 PM EDT, August 8, 2007

    With BC-NY--Severe Weather

    Tornadoes, like the one that touched down Wednesday in Brooklyn and Staten Island, are a rarity in New York. Meteorologists believed Wednesday's storm produced the first tornado in Brooklyn since 1889. The National Weather Service had records of only a few other twisters in the city:

    _ Oct. 27, 2003: A tornado classified as an F-0, the lowest possible severity, glances Staten Island.

    _ Oct. 28, 1995: An F-1 tornado touches down on Staten Island, causing light damage.

    _ Aug. 10, 1990: Three people are injured by an F-0 tornado on Staten Island.

    _ Nov. 5, 1985: Six people are hurt by an F-1 tornado in Queens.

    _ Sept. 2, 1974: An early morning tornado in the Bronx is later ranked an F-1.
    _ Oct. 28, 1995: An F-1 tornado touches down on Staten Island, causing light damage.

    _ Aug. 10, 1990: Three people are injured by an F-0 tornado on Staten Island.

    _ Nov. 5, 1985: Six people are hurt by an F-1 tornado in Queens.

    _ Sept. 2, 1974: An early morning tornado in the Bronx is later ranked an F-1.,0,3412624.story

  • Arthur

    This was no doubt the work of Gog of Magog - trying to harm the John Class.

  • bigdreaux

    i hope it doesn't hit bethel for 2 reasons. no matter how much i disagree with a person, i wish them no harm. also, if it does hit, surely they will think satan did it and it will make dubs dig in their heels. man, i hope it missed bethel.

  • skeeter1

    Perhaps it will mess up the "secret files" (pedophile database, blood, UN, etc), and fling these papers all over Brooklyn?

  • Stealth453

    Let's hope the tornado knows where to go.

  • skeeter1

    Proof that the world is going to end. Earthquakes, etc....


  • poppers

    But if it misses Bethel they'll say that Jehovah went out of his way to protect them because they are... oh, you know why.

  • watson

    LOL. Arthur, your avatar is so fitting!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    video link on this news from :

    looks like the GB was spared the big A this time...

    Snakes ()

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