Wow! - What else did I never learn?

by Awakened07 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened07

    OK - this is probably old news to most of you, but I just now found out about this.

    - The way I've always understood it (and never really thought any more of it), is that in 1931, The Bible Students changed their name to Jehovah's Witnesses. I've never heard any more about the circumstances surrounding this, so I always assumed it just happened without any fuzz. You know - I guess I gathered Jehovah was with His organization all the way and guided us to change the name. Or something.

    Now - out of pure coincidence, I find this on Wikipedia:

    I actually was never told that there was a schism at that time, and that there are still Bible Students around today!

    - Have I just not been paying attention at meetings and reading the magazines?

  • Satanus

    Yes, the wt org went apostate from the original org. The bible students remained true to the original stuff (it was crap, too, but whatever).


  • Paralipomenon

    Apologists have a hard time reckoning this fact.

    The bible students have almost an identical foundation for their beliefs and also preach. Under the Witnesses' logic, followers of the bible student would also be saved which creates an issue in their faith. I haven't met an apologist yet that can correctly reckon this fact.

    It's a wonderful paradox that forces the witnesses to either accept the GB is wrong or that the witnesses aren't unique in their salvation. Either choice is a devastating blow to their belief structure and will result in immediate though stopping procedures.

  • changeling

    Yes, but the schism occured way before 1931.

  • jaguarbass

    The Witnoids went apostate from the bible students, wow. I never thought of it like that. Everybody should be entitled to grow and mature and move on in their thought process. Too bad the wactower doesnt see it that way.

  • zeroday

    and that there are still Bible Students around today!
    Not only are they still around but they are a good source of early WT writings. They have a CD titled Berean Bible Studies that contain virtually everything Russell wrote...

  • jgnat

    ...and they have their own WEBSITES!

  • The official CT Russell website run by Bible Students
  • Chennai Bible students
  • New Delhi Biblestudents
  • Columbus, Ohio Bible Students
  • Chicago, Illinois Bible Students
  • North Seattle, Washington Bible Students
  • New Jersey, Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick
  • Winnipeg Bible Students Association
  • Free Bible Students Containing historical information.
  • Millennial Morning Associated Bible Students of Jersey City, NJ
  • Bible Student Ministries Bridgewater, New Jersey
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The Bible Students today still follow the original teachings of CTR and run the OFFICIAL Chuck Russell Fan Club.

    Not without good reason is it said that they also sponsor the Chuck "That Slave" Russell and Gizeh Pyramid "Stone Witness" floats in the Macy*s Thankgiving Day Parade in New York City.

  • smellsgood

    Yeah, just like with Christianity, what started with Charles T. is not simply one homogenous body. There are many offshoot groups. Their complaint about Christendom after 2000 years having too many denominations is silly when you think that a ridiculous little cult has a bundle of their own "denominations" though not recognised or included in any WT programme, who've sprouted out of the very same orchard, I mean death knell, I mean salted ground, I mean salted festering putricious scumpond death knell....soul crushing...orchard.

    WT is such an onion, so many stinky layers that make you cry.

  • greendawn

    The split began when Rutherford took over the WTS in a way that was against the wishes of Russell. Then as he began to gradualy deviate from his teachings at some stage a lot of Russellites said "that's enough this org is no longer faithful to the ideology of the founder" and departed.

    As said above it's the Bible Students that are faithful to Russell and the JWs to Rutherford but they have to pretend that Russell is their founder to justify holding his corporations.

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