Turkeys (pic)

by garybuss 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    We have been watching this turkey all summer. She started out with 6 little chicks and now they are half grown and there are 5. We've been putting sunflower seeds on the patio for photo bait but it's hard to get the picture without scaring them away. This is the closest one yet.

  • Gregor

    Beautiful, Gary. The stand of trees beyond looks like a deer could walk out any second.

  • Finally-Free

    Have you got your eye on one for Thanksgiving dinner yet?

    My neice has some wild turkeys on her property but won't let me come and hunt them.


  • moshe

    Gary, put out some cracked corn- they will soon be too fat to fly away from your cooking pot!

  • nvrgnbk

    Gobble! Gobble!

    Nice pic, Gary.

  • garybuss

    We live in a protected wildlife area with hills, trees, lakes and ponds, with lots of trees and cover only one mile from the city. We have pheasants thick and deer, fox, coyotes, possums, raccoons, and right now we have a pesky badger digging holes all over the place. I mowed our back acreage yesterday and I bet there are 25 badger holes back there all new in the last three years.

    In the winter the deer come right up to the house and eat out of the bird feeders. We did have three tame wild turkeys that roosted on top of the house and sat on the deck rail and ate out of the bird feeder. One day a wild flock of turkeys came through on a tour and the three left with them.

  • UnConfused

    I thought you were going to have pixs of "someone" at the door - my bad

  • juni

    ^ funny unconfused!

    right now we have a pesky badger digging holes all over the place. I mowed our back acreage yesterday and I bet there are 25 badger holes back there all new in the last three years.

    I live in the 'BADGER' state - Wisconsin - Gary; haven't seen one badger in the wild yet. Had one at the wildlife rehab center where I worked though. I would not like to get on the bad side of a badger. Those claws are WICKED.

    Yes. Turkeys love cracked corn. Thanks for sharing the picture.


    I left this at full image size so that posters unfamiliar w/the badger could clearly see the claws.

  • garybuss

    I've never seen a badger here either. The holes seem like evidence they are here though. My partner wanted some night vision binoculars a while back and I went to Cabala's to buy them and they were 500 bucks and those were the cheap ones, so I bought a huge battery spotlight on sale for 20 bucks and a 50 dollar pair of regular binoculars instead. Seemed smart to me.

    We did have twin fox pups a couple years ago and they'd romp and play in the daytime just like dog pups. They were fun to watch but I didn't have the right lens to take their picture. We have twin fawns every year from one of the deer who live in the neighborhood. When we had a dog, we'd never see the wildlife. Now the dog is gone to dog heaven and the wildlife swarms all over the place.

  • Cellist

    Thanks for sharing your turkey family with us. I wish wild turkeys were capable of surviving here. We always enjoyed hearing and seeing them when we visited friends in Minneapolis.


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