Would you marry someone....

by Thinking of Leaving 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat
    Incidentally my previous boyfriend who I dated for two long years never got them and he use to kiss me even when I had them

    Ergo, he was a carrier. I'm a carrier, too. I never get them. Hubby, on the other hand, gets them all the time. I "cured" him with a simple regimen. My logic went this way.

    I told him that cold sores are a result of stress.

    B-Vitamins are good for stress.

    I bought a bottle of multivitamins containing B-vitamins with STRESS FORMULA written in big letters on the bottle.

    "Here", I said, "Take one a day and your cold sores will be cured."

    He did, and they did. He calls the multivitamins his "Stress pills."

    I told my sister-doctor the story and her eyes got as big as moons. "That's unethical!" she cried. But I'm not the doctor, see. If a psychosomatic cure worked, why not?

    Can you spot the logical flaw in my argument? Hubby didn't!

  • Crumpet
    No I would not marry someone with a cold sore, regardless of how much I loved them.

    The second I saw it I would dump them, force them to move out, start taking showers 3-4 times a day, picket both her house and her parents, start a website for survivors of cold sore abuse and lobby the government to remove the citizenship of any people confirmed to have this plague.

    Should the government be unresponsive to my demands for purity I would create my own political party "ClearLips of America" and run for office. If defeated, I would solicit funding for a revolution and try to overthrow democracy with force.

    Either that or I would get over my shallow hangups and marry her if I loved her.

    One of the two, it's a toss up.

    Paripallion - this is sooo funny. Thanks for making me laugh - I needed that. I get cold sores every few years when I get really run down, but zovirax usually stops them getting to that unsightly stage if applied immeditaely. I also use the compeed patch.

  • karvel
  • exwitless

    Oral prescription medications are usually considered the best way to treat an outbreak. The most common ones used are Acyclovir (Zovirax), Famvir, and Valtrex. The key is to start taking it as prescribed the minute you feel one coming on. If you don't start treatment within 48 hours, the pills won't help. People who get breakouts very frequently take one of the oral meds preventively - a lower dose every single day to prevent breakouts.

    Creams and ointments are better than nothing, but don't hold a candle to oral medications. Herbs and vitamins are anyone's guess. They help some people; they do nothing for others.

    Herpes simplex is caused by a virus; once you get the virus, you won't ever get rid of it (don't believe these "naturopathic" claims). It lays dormant in your system until the next trigger for an outbreak. Some people only get a breakout once every 10 years, some every 2 weeks. Their immune system isn't 'messed up', they're just more prone to active breakouts.

  • Thinking of Leaving
    Thinking of Leaving

    wow thanks so much for this information, does anyone know if these medications are prescription only? I'm actually going to the pharmacy right now to try and get a hold of some, guess I'll find out soon.

    been over a week since my boyfriend kissed meand this cold sore I have is very painful, right on my upper lip

  • Thinking of Leaving
    Thinking of Leaving

    jgnat I'll try the B vitamins as well, couldn't hurt I suppose. Thanks

    So does this mean that everyone that I kiss will eventually get the virus but it won't flare up unless something triggers it?

  • Sassy

    I remember getting a cole sore on my wedding day (first wedding).. It was from nerves.. nothing more..

    you may very well be deficient in a vitamin.. good luck

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