Armegeddon has finally happened. I am sitting in my dorm room at Bethel watching the total destruction of New York City. The skyline of Manhattan is in flames, here in Brooklyn, not a building is standing. Hundreds of corpses lie about the street. The Statue of Liberty is gone. I walk down to one of the community rooms where the brothers are meeting to thank Jehovah for his long awaited punishment of this wicked system of things. Everyone is laughing, smiling and saying "At last, at last, the world is ours" I feel uncomfortable with this wholesale celebration of a destroyed world,that quite frankly did not mistreat me personally. I go back to my room and look out the window where I can see a dead woman clutching her child, burned to a crisp. A crow is eating out her eyes. This bothers me. Thankfully, however a brother happens to stop by, and I share my feelings of revulsion with him. He says "Brother never forget that those bodies out there are opposers and rejectors of Jehovah God and His kingdom. They all deserved to die. By rejecting the Faithful Slave, and Jehovah's organization, they brought the death penalty upon themselves." I said, "Thank you brother for reminding me of that but what about electricity?" He said, "We don't have any." "The utility companies were part of the previous wicked system of things, With Jehovah's help, we'll get that back on real soon." "I hope so", I replied. "It's very hot. I thought that in Paradise earth it would be comfortable." He said, "Brother, Paradise earth is a thousand years away, the work has just begun, it will be a long time before the earth is perfect. We are honored that Jehovah has chosen us to rebuild the Earth. Do you think He is going to do it? No, we are, with the help of the heavenly 144000 priests, who gradually and with time will apply the benefits of Jesus' sacrifice. Remember, Salvation is by Works, not by Grace. Did you actually think that Jehovah was going to save by Grace? Get to work brother, we have a thousand years to restore the earth, then be subject to one final test. Just because the old system is destroyed doesn't mean you can relax. Jehovah expects more than ever from you."
Why Are You Looking Forward to Armageddon?
by Honesty 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So, what would a current jw say to that? more denials that jw's do not feel that way,I suppose?
Yeah, I was a little shocked when I walked by the neighbouring kindergarten, actually. All those children lying around on the ground, or dangling from the swings.
I mean - think of all the work it'll be to get rid of them?
I've heard someone say that we'll get help from angels soon though, so then it'll be easier, but it's just a rumor as far as I know. Got a shovel?
I'm looking forward to Armageddon because it's a damn good movie and Bruce Willis is the bomb! (not the actual bomb used to blow up the asteroid...)
So, what would a current jw say to that? more denials that jw's do not feel that way,I suppose?
Depending on what type of message they've wanted to get across (stern or mild), the WBTS has used Bible passages that say people will ~pile up like dung and birds will feed on them~ , OR Bible passages saying the wrongdoer will simply vanish.
I think, while I was active, I didn't think about it much, but I guess I thought it would be the latter that would actually happen, and that the city infrastructures would also be 'magically' removed by God.
I have always been your fan, but this is your best post ever!
Honesty and Awakened, thanks for a really good topic. I don't think that I ever considered that sort of thing as a JW. Although I remember being shocked once by an illustration in a public talk. "Why would god destroy the children with the adults, even if the children were still innocent? Because, (dramatic pause) if you come across a nest of rattlesnakes, (bigger pause, then louder voice) You kill ALL the snakes, not just the adults! The baby snakes are just as dangerous as their parents and the children of this system of things are just as evil as their parents."</p> <p>I wonder why the angry killing god is the one JWs like?</p>
I have always been your fan, but this is your best post ever!
Thanks, Jill. I can't claim the prize. A very good ex-Jehovah's Witness friend shared it with me. BTW, you still going to see the Beach Boys with us on the 22nd?
my JW mind says:
its not ours to imagine armageddon and the new world now. god will care for it and all i need to know is that it will be great and everyone will be jumping of joy. so it cant be that way it is described in the first post.
I can't see how anyone deserves to die just for not believing something when there are a million other similar organizations that are scams. Even assuming Jehovah's Witnesses were the truth and the only way to salvation, one has to wonder how Jehovah can be so mean and unforgiving that He would kill someone for not believing that this isn't just another scam. We have the Catholic and several major Protestant denominations, all of whom claim to be The Way. We have the Mormons and the Adventists, all of which are in the Witness family (and all of which claim to be the truth). We have the Moonies. We have countless smaller cults that have only a few hundred members, all of which claim to be the truth. And there are independents.
I cannot understand why Jehovah would send Jesus to die for people's sins, only to destroy them for thinking that this is just another scam. Even among members who joined and saw a scam, that should not be reason enough to destroy them. What solid proof does Jehovah have (or this organization) that this is the truth, and those other organizations are not? Remember, they all claim to be the truth. I'm sure the Mormons are bashing the Witnesses as false just as ardently as the Witnesses are bashing the Mormons. And, since one or both have to be wrong, why would Jehovah be so heartless as to destroy billions of people, including innocent children, for just guessing wrong?