TVL : I don't know why but it sure didn't relax me.
It's seems like some drugs doesn't work the same on everybody
The answer
by RAF 14 Replies latest jw friends
The need for an 'answer' is something thats plagued Jehovah's Witnesses from day one, its what draws them in. I'm learning not to require them and just be happy, somethings we will just never know.
KW13 : The need for an 'answer' is something thats plagued Jehovah's Witnesses from day one, its what draws them in. I'm learning not to require them and just be happy, somethings we will just never know.
Yeah right ...
The few JW's I've talked with about the JW crap, came up with the reason why they became JW is because they (the WTBS) were answering questions that other religions do not (as if BTW they knew that much about what other religions says) and what's really interesting is that they actually focus a lot on propheties (and there say something alike in resume : who would have answered this) they never really think about the fact that they messed up more than once about that ... (they don't even really care when you remind them).
So wich questions did they answer and how really important are propheties for instance about "the end"? ... since anybody's end can happen at any time?
Deception is the Watchtowers middle name, the witnesses think they have answers but they have nothing.
Yep !!!