How many have gone back to college after leaving the Borg?
by JK666 38 Replies latest jw friends
I was DF'ed in 2001. After emerging from shock, I enrolled in college in 2002 and received an Associates degree in Business in 2004. I then continued and got my Bachelors in Marketing in 2006, with a GPA of 4.0. While working full time and in school full time!
For those of you that think it is too late, do not give up. I start until I was 46 - it can be done!
I left in 1979. I had two years of college already. I enrolled in college again in 1983 and got a B.A. degree in 1984. I was 37 when I graduated. It was worthwhile to go back just for the college experience itself even if there were no other benefits.
SandraC -
I am majoring in English at a community college until going back to a university. I'm looking at double majoring in English and Marketing.
I'm working on a Bachelors in the Humanities and I plan to go on and get my Masters and hopefully even Doctorate! (btw, I'm 37)
I'm close to getting my Asssociates in the health care and planning on getting my BA. I'm thinking about majoring in Child Psychology.
i'm returning next month. general ed associates degree and then to Daniels Business school for a Construction Real Estate Marketing Finance degree. i'm really excited about it.
I returned to school at age 30, completing an office administration program. At that time I had recently seperated and needed something to adequately support myself and child. Now, I am again wishing to return to school, not for neccesity but for something that truly brings me joy in my life.
It is sad how many of us put off education due to the "borg" love that name, but it is never to late.