Secular theology

by DeusMauzzim 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mum

    :Can there be a theology without God?

    The term Theology is rooted in Greek.

    Interesting question. The Greek word for "God" is Theos, and the Greek word for "nothing" is also Theos ("Being and Nothingness" - see also Jean-Paul Sartre; existentialism).



  • Mum

    :Can there be a theology without God?

    The term Theology is rooted in Greek.

    Interesting question. The Greek word for "God" is Theos, and the Greek word for "nothing" is also Theos ("Being and Nothingness" - see also Jean-Paul Sartre; existentialism).



  • quietlyleaving

    deus - thanks for answering my questions. Got carried away reading on from your link re nihilism.

    I'm knda seeing a similarity between your statment here

    And in all this existential angst , even atheistic nihilists like myself look up to the image of Jesus on the stauros, his arms stretched out to embrace all of humanity, even in his hour of suffering.

    with Nietzsche

    Nietzsche advocated a remedy for nihilism's destructive effects and a hope for humanity's future in the form of the Übermensch (English: overman or superman), a position especially apparent in his works Thus Spoke Zarathustra and The Antichrist. The Übermensch is an exercise of action and life: one must give value to their existence by behaving as if one's very existence were a work of art. Nietzsche believed that the Übermensch "exercise" would be a necessity for human survival in the post-religious era.

    Another part of Nietzsche's remedy for nihilism is a revaluation of morals — he hoped that we are able to discard the old morality of equality and servitude and adopt a new code, turning Judeo-Christian morality on its head. Excess, carelessness, callousness, and sin, then, are not the damning acts of a person with no regard for his salvation, nor that which plummets a society toward decadence and decline, but the signifier of a soul already withering and the sign that a society is in decline. The only true sin to Nietzsche is that which is — against a human nature — aimed at the expression and venting of one's power over oneself. Virtue, likewise, is not to act according to what has been commanded, but to contribute to all that betters a human soul.

    Is there a similarity? or am I just seeing what I want to see

  • proplog2

    Process IS meaning!

  • DeusMauzzim


    Yes there is definately a connection. Nietzsche had much sympathy for Jesus and saw him as 'a failed attempt for a European buddhism' (because of the mess Paul made after him theologically :) He also said that 'the last christian died on the cross'


    Deus Mauzzim

  • DeusMauzzim


    Could you give a reference for that etymology? Never heard of it...


    Deus Mauzzim

  • JCanon

    We have come to know that the bible can not be taken literally anymore

    We have come to know that the unity of the bible is a myth

    We have come to know that we arose through the process of evolution.

    HA! That's what YOUR experience is because you either follow academic propaganda paid off long ago to hide the truth or you don't know the Bible well enough. Fact is, the Bible is absolute history. It is so accurate that even the date for Shishak's invasion, which we can pinpoint to within 10 years with RC14 dating is accurate! Problem is, with such a narrow range of accuracy, it also challenges the current chronology and timeline that YOU were duped into thinking was reliable. But it's not.

    There is not a single thing in the Bible that relates to historically confirmable evidence that doesn't work out. I'm not talking about anything that is miraculous or what Adam said to Eve when he first saw her (i.e. "Stand back, baby, I'm not sure how big this gets!") But for what we DO have archaeological evidence for or fortunately RC14 dating and several double-dated astronomical events, everything is perfectly harmoniously worked out now. But there is one thing that almost confirms a miracle. The correct Biblical timeline and history point to Akhenaten as reigning after the Exodus. The Bible says when God made a name for himself with the Egyptians they would worship him and build him an altar in the middle of Egypt. That is what Akhenaten indeed did. He converted to monotheism, big time, and suppressed and dropped the false God's of Egypt. Now what would make someone do that? Certainly some traumatic or inspirational experience. The Ten Plagues! This underscores why so many people who think the Bible's history doesn't really work out think that way. It's because you get contradictions without the absolutely correct timeline to make the right comparisons. When you DO have the right timeline, then things like RC14 dating, archaeological timing, and corrected astronomical events all line up perfectly and amazingly.

    So NOW, now that we have a substantial amount of evidence to reaffirm the original timeline, people who don't believe the Bible is true history are just out of touch and out of date.

    Unless you want to point out something specifically in the Bible related to history that you need an explanation for? I'll be glad to let you know what research I have on it. In the meantime, there is so much now that contradicts the current timeline and history that has been revived that you'd have to be blind not to know what the revisions were. Yet out there, all those universities and colleges and professors using the outdated timeline think they know so much and are the first to say the Bible is inaccurate. It's a joke.

    Dream on!


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