When you've tried living life with a handicap you never realised was there for a long time, and when you did you denied it the chance to get the better of you - you tend to get down and depressed. It took a thread from our brave crumpet and help from some special friends here to make me go to the doctor and get some help.
You see, my symptoms were similar to Crumpets if not nearly exactly the same. I too suffer from bipolar disorder, the doctor agrees and i agree. Its gone on too long and i need to get some Professional help and guidance, otherwise i will just burn out and end up as nothing.
The Strangest part was, i prayed before hand. Many of you wont agree with that i am sure, but i know your kind enough to respect that choice which in my view paid off.
My G.P Prayed with me, i didnt suggest it and i didnt give her any hint that i was an active Christian, all i had said was that i was an ex-jw and that i'd have suffered some forms of abuse. Honestly, to me she was an answer to prayer and i have no doubt about that.
But anyway, yes i am not well but i believe that i've done the right thing by confronting it and thank God that i realised something wasn't right.