By the way, in my humble amateur opinion, I don't think "United Insurance Group" is an insurance carrier. They are a sales/marketing team. They appear to specialize in recruiting commission-based insurance salesmen, and then broker the carriers. I'm sure they take a cut both ways.
United Insurance Group in Michigan..Entirely run by witnesses...
by integ 16 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with jnat. United Insurance Group is NOT an insurance company. It is a marketing organization and they are licensed to sell products offered by several insurance companies. They have agents working for them who are not Jehovah's Witnesses.
I met Pat Patterson myself several years ago, in fact I had coffee with him in a restaurant. He was just getting started with his insurance agency. Guess I should have gotten in on the ground floor. Funny though--the thing I remember most about him was that he chewed gum during our conversation.
Yes, Patterson is STILL very much a witness.
United is just an agency. They will "contract" with independant agents to sell the products they have. UIG has relationships w/ many carriers, and they have a brokerage division and a "captive" agent division.
The commissions they pay are far below what a person would get normally as an independant agent. Their big lure to bring on agents is that they offer "free" leads to agents who sell their soul to them and agree to market Uig's products exclusively. The problem is that once you've gone through the original leads they dry up and it's too late to just leave. Their contracts attempt to destroy your ability to work somewhere else.
Commission for agent NOT with United 100 %
United Agent: 50 %
The leads are old and mostly reproduced duplicates so the agent has a horrible time making a living, and an even tougher time leaving, as United WILL NOT release them from their contracts if you are a "captive" agent.
My understanding is that yes, there are MANY non witnesses who are agents across the country, but I was told that EVERYONE at the home office and in the high up administrative department are ALL witnesses with very high salaries.
Thanks for the links and the info on the laws pertaining to the hiring of persons based on religion.
So, is it a multi-level marketing group, i.e. a "pyramid" scheme?
The company certainly appears to have learned a lot from its "mother" the WTBT$ about how to treat its captives.
the company will never have a payout on an "Armageddon" policy.... because the Big A is never coming. And if, by some remote chance, the kind of odds that the actuaries love...then they wont have to pay out because the money will be "thrown into the streets" anyway. Win Win either way for UIG.
Snakes ()
Looks like they specialize in the Senior Age Market:
That's rather interesting, don't you think?
AK - Jeff
Do they sell 'Child Molester's Liability'?