Wanting a JWD Shepherding Call ....

by compound complex 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • flipper

    Hello CoCo, Mr. Flipper here. I was just talking with Mrs. Flipper about how is CoCo doing? I work today but on the way to work I'll give you a call. I feel for you buddy, we'll talk. Love, Mr. &Mrs. Flipper

  • Hortensia

    I'm sorry you feel so sad - I wish I could help.

  • codeblue


    So sorry for the emotional pain you are having. I didn't get to read your post (now removed). Don't beat yourself up for whining and needing attention. That is human nature. I have had many threads desiring a JWD shepherding call, and guess what: they came thru for me!

    We have left a cult that we devoted our "life" too. It's much like a divorce.

    I don't think I have done well with leaving this "cult", but I don't want to return to it.

    Know that you are loved here


  • Highlander

    Though I can't see you, I assure you that, you are not invisible.

  • eclipse

    CoCo, you are not invisible, I have admired your beautifully written posts from afar

    You are a wonderful person, and much loved on jwd

    let us know what we can do to help

  • LeslieV

    No matter our age, all of us at time need someone besides just ourselves. I am sorry you are going through a difficult time, I wish some of us were close to you...I would take you out for coffee. We are here for you...vent away. Getting the gunk out of your system helps.


  • free2think

    Im really sorry CoCo.


  • ninja

    hope you're okey dokey cokey.......you have my utmost respect for being the kind person you are......keep your chin up mate......ninja

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    I am overwhelmed. I was going to wait till the morrow to see what's up on the board. Couldn't. Not only posts to my "erased" thread but all the PMs of love and support.

    I was reminded the other day of the loss of my loved one during an inadvertent, mutual drive-by. We both saw each other. Neither my tears and entreaties nor the love and support of children and grandchildren succeeded in putting a shattered union together again. Even my being a good little dub effected no improvements. My perceived, sizable failures as a family man - my family has ALWAYS been my life - only increased my sense of hopelessness and despair.

    PAST TENSE, the above ....

    YOU are my family and, as a result, I am fulfilled and happy again - Little CoCo, happy again! Some here have written, in what I have inferred to be a rather cavalier manner, that JWs and exJWs are a highly dysfunctional people. Whether that declaration is purely subjective or is truly an acute observation based upon obvious and unhealthy behaviors, I dunno. For me, dysfunky JW-in-limbo or not, I am currently a highly-functioning member of humanity due to JWD. I reiterate, I can function now because of YOU.

    I wrote the above - the gist of which I had previously erased - because I trust you and realize that my pain may comfort others. Strange how that works!

    Love and gratitude,


  • ninja

    you are a valued member of this community.....that is for sure cokey....as I am sure many will echo here.....we all may be dysfunctional....but we know a kind heart.....and you are that for sure......your mate ....ninja

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