and I missed them again. Last time I saw them walking down the other side of my street. Today they stopped by when I was out and I missed them by about ten or twenty minutes and no they didn't leave any mags. Darn...
Jws working my neighborhood...
by mrsjones5 16 Replies latest jw friends
no they didn't leave any mags. Darn...
awww, what a shame that you missed them!
The JWs in my neighborhood always leave a mag stuffed in my door. I've got a few still lying around. I can send them to you if you like. Otherwise they'll end up on Ebay!!!
There`s nothing worse than missing Dubs coming to your door..There never seems to be enough JW`s,for Roast Dub Sandwich`s..Thats why I always keep at least two JW`s in the freezer.....When JW`s come to the door,always invite them in..Let them get comfortable..Then,wack them both in the head with a heavy frying pan..Toss one in the freezer and one on the BBQ.....Using this strategy you will never run out of JW`s for Roast Dub Sandwich`s.....There`s nothing like a Roast Dub Sandwich..
..........So..When JW`s come to your door,keep both of them..And..You`ll always have enough JW`s,for Roast Dub Sandwich`s...OUTLAW
Thanks for the advice there Outlaw! But my religion says that I must "abstain from Roast Dub".
Beer, however, may be consumed in great quantities!!!
lol you two. Outlaw you're so freezer ain't big enuff *giggle*
My oldest boy was the one who answered the door...well he talked thru the door cuz he only had his skivvies on and he told the jw gal to wait so he could get his dad but by the time he got back she was gone. She didn't even have the decency to leave a sad rag stuffed in the door.
Im never home when they drop by either. I just find a pamplet in my door.. very much in the mood to have a little chat though.. nicely of course
CoolerKing..It`s OK to eat Dubs!..They`re not an endangered species..Jewish People can eat them,they don`t even taste like pork..Best of all,no one seem`s to miss them!..A Cooking Tip:If you BBQ a JW in their Field Service clothes,they stay better basted.It helps lock the flavours in and gives you a tastyier Roast Dub Sandwich..
She didn't even have the decency to leave a sad rag stuffed in the door.
Nope, thats just not right Mrs.J! Back when I was a dub, we were always told to stuff something in the door. And we ALWAYS had to say, "Have a nice day!", even as the door was being slammed in our faces!
Now cut it out Outlaw! You have me licking my chops! I've been told before how temptingly delicious Dub meat can be...especially when they are seasoned just right in their field service clothes! But I must do my duty and follow my religion's interpretation of the scripture that says to "abstain from those things sacrificed to idols, and from loose women and from Dub meat..." Golly, this is tough...You all will have to excuse me. I have to go and pray that I resist this "evil" temptation!
Lady Liberty
Dear MrsJones,
They always skip my is so funny because I often see them out there and wait fotr them to ring the bell..but I guess they are just too CHICKEN!! HA HA HA
Lady Liberty
Last time I saw them coming up the drive, it was spring time and the widows were open. I just said out the window I'm not interested and they turned around. And the angle above noted that in his records and then flew on behind the witnoids. It was quite impressive. I almost called them back after seeing that.
But I said no, I made my bed with the apostates.