eternal life vs resurrection

by tank 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened07
    Aren't you still you and the other is a clone that THINKS it's you?

    Thanks for that post. I have used those exact sentences (well, not word for word, but...) in a conversation with someone about cloning, but I never connected it with the JW hope of resurrection like you just did. That makes a lot of sense to me. God could make a perfect copy of you, but you would still be just as dead.

  • journey-on

    Don't complicate the issue by your critical thinking! Jehovah will take care of it and YOU'LL LIKE IT! (that's what my sis would say, anyway).

  • mkr32208

    Or as a JW said to me. "It's you. Both of them are you. Now leave me alone!"

    All he really needed was to put his fingers in his ears and scream "I'm not listening, I'm not listening." Strangely when I demonstrated this technique to him he wasn't amused!

  • jaguarbass

    My mother raised me in the Wactower, I quit in 83 she resigned her commision in 93. She still thinks she is going to live forever with out the wacky ones. Of course she appears as wacky as they do.

  • Uncertain

    This past weeks assignment in Rev. Climax was largely an exercise in explaining light and brighter light on this. Chapter 20 para 1-5, and there are interesting differences in the different editions used in the group I attend. Mine says copyright 1988, 2006 printing. And the answer is still less clear than primordial mud. The talk "The World Has Ended -- Millions Living Now Will Never Die" is mentioned, says it is updated by Vindication, Book One, 1931 and further explained in Vindication Book Two, 1932. As best I can tell, the sheep class, briefly called the Jehonadab class, are to be preserved through the time of Armageddon and given everlasting life on earth. "In 1934 The Watchtower made it clear that these Christians with earthly hopes should make a dedication to Jehovah and be baptized." Oh my. What about those who die while waiting? Or already died while waiting before 1934? Or who aren't dedicated to Jah and baptized by the WTTS? It doesn't say. The teach book waffles as well, but I found this in the Appendix, pp214, 215. "To live forever, both Armageddon survivors and resurrected ones will have to obey God's commandments, including whatever new requirements Jehovah might reveal during the thousand years." The thousand years of Judgment Day, that is. Sheesh, I guess I don't get it.

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