When i lived in Windsor, Ont i used to get 97.1 Fm talk...which had The Tom Lykus show....Topless/Flash Fridays when ladies would flash other drivers....anyhow he loved to debate on Christian topics....once though he reduced a poor lady in a bad relationship to tears by ranting bout her 'pathetic disaster of a marriage'......another time he went on about how women having babies was no more a miracle of life than taking a dump, both biological functions that happen millions of times all the time ...... and expunged on that for a loooong time. Well i for one miss that kind of radio when im in my car not listening to tunes..theres nothing like that in Ontairo....even if i dont agree with all he says...
So Cal - DoYouListen to Tom Lykus?
by fedorE 14 Replies latest jw friends
My old neighbor is a big fan of Lykis. I've listened to him a few times.
He admits that some of the stuff he says is intended to get a rise out of the callers. I've listened to him occaisionally. He is entertaining - must admit.
He's still on 97.1 in the afternoons. I think they even re-air the show immediately for the pm drive.
Here's the link to his website: http://blowmeuptom.com/
Yep, I listen to him.... I am way out of his demographic, he aims at the 18-30 year olds. His main message is to NOT get pregnant or get a girl pregnant until you have your own life in order. He is an athiest and will debate/agrue to the end on the subject.
The show is entertaining also, for the most part. He is pretty direct about his opinion of women as they interacted with him. If you cant handle hearing someone elses opinions, I wouldnt advise planning to listen long.
We lost FreeFM here in San DIego and Phoenix... so I have to listen to him online, at the link Denise posted.
I used to listen to his show but the station that caries it runs it at 10:00 PM. He is brutally honest and pulls no punches and that is why alot of people do not like him. Honest talk is tough to deal with in our society. Everything must be sugar coated and approved by the thought police and PC crowd. Philosophicaly he is as tough on men as he is women when it comes to poor decision making and the consequences.
We need someone out there to kick some guys in the butt and get them to "man up". We have a whole generation of men that were raised without a positive male role model and are screwing up and paying a very high price for it. He deals with some other topics that are to controversial for these forums.
Could you imagine him posting on this board? hehehe
Nathan Natas
I enjoyed listening to Leykis when he was on the air in Seattle. then the station was sold and the new owners decided they wanted to be less successful, so they switched to some other (safer) format.
Like Animal, I am WAY out of Tom's target demographic. I wish there was a Tom Leykis I could have listened to when I was younger - then again, I would probably considered Tom a "bad association."
Tom is as big an expert on Jehovah's Witnesses as anybody I have ever heard who never was a Dub.
I keep hoping that he will publish a book. Tom, do it - for the children!
I have mentioned Tom from time to time in the past and never got a peep of acknowledgement - it's refreshing to see there are some other fans here.
Ya Nathan... he is one of the few that will say it like it is. He is rich, doesnt have to worry about pissing people off, he actually loves pushing buttons then watching the crap flie.
Like you, I wish someone was saying all he says when I was a kid (16-25). Might have had a few less mistakes, but then again, I wouldnt have had as much fun and learned so much on my own. Life is fun.
I miss listening to the dude, looks like he put on some weight! almost like me.haha...i always wanted to go to those outdoor parties he has for his listeners...u know what m talkin about... What i liked about him was that he never backed out of an arguement, ever. especially on the subject of god ..very entertaining...when stern went though he also went soon after....
I give Tom significant credit in my journey to mental freedom. His brutal honesty on all things from relationships to religion helped open my mind to reality. I recall many callers that had involvement with cults such as the j-dubs or mormons and Tom's viewpoints were an eyeopener for me. For instance he referred to the j-dubs as being bullies in order to retain their membership and control them. Discussions like that, among others, slowly awakened my mind.
Despite being a fan, I do not agree with some of his views. When he is discussing something I don't like, I oftentimes just change the radio station.
As of lately, I rarely listen to him, but when it's all said and done I have to give credit where it's due. Tom's honesty on human behavior and religion was of a big help to me.
Take me out Kobe style!