Nathan Natas... your post has started to have the desired effect.
JW RN having conscience issues
by orbison11 21 Replies latest jw friends
I found a more recent Questions from Readers from the 1999 WT (4/1) that restates the 1975 position. Maybe that's the article you had in mind.
w994/15QuestionsFromReaders***Some Christians working in hospitals have had to consider this factor of authority. A physician might have authority to order medications for or medical procedures on a patient. Even if a patient did not mind, how could a Christian doctor in authority order a blood transfusion or perform an abortion, knowing what the Bible says on such matters? In contrast, a nurse employed at the hospital might not have such authority. As she performs routine services, a doctor might direct her to perform a blood test for some purpose or to care for a patient who came for an abortion. In line with the example recorded at 2 Kings 5:17-19, she might conclude that since she is not the one with authority who orders a transfusion or performs an abortion, she could carry out human services for a patient. Of course, she still would have to consider her conscience, so as ‘to behave before God with a clear conscience.’—Acts 23:1.
"...a doctor might direct her to perform a blood test for some purpose."
It is poorly written responses like these that confuse the position of JWs when it comes to the blood issue. Am I wrong, or does this imply that JW RN's or techs cannot draw blood for testing. Is that the case? Is it against the religion to have blood drawn for medical tests? I never thought so.
The thing is this is mentioned in the same sentence as an abortion and then later in the same QFR a blood TRANSFUSION is linked with an abortion.
It's crazy-making, I think, and confusing for both JWs and worldlies who are trying to understand just what IS the JW stance on blood.
out -
choosing life
I know an RN who wrote the society to ask if it was ok to hang blood. The answaer was it is a conscience matter as she was just following orders. It did state that doctors could not order blood transfusions, however.
I was wondering myself if a jw doctor could still not order a blood transfision for a patient. How would they ever get through med. school and their residency?
OK. This was the comment that I questioned.
A few years ago the WT said it was OK for a JW medical doctor to administer blood, so I can't see how it would be wrong for a nurse to hang it.
This clarifies it:
how could a Christian doctor in authority order a blood transfusion...? In contrast, a nurse employed at the hospital might not have such authority. As she performs routine services, a doctor might direct her to perform ...
A doctor is actually doing the prescribing and a JW physician would be prohibited from doing so (err at least prohibited from prescibing whole blood). A nurse on the other hand would merely carrying out orders and blood would just be one small part of her day and up to her conscience.
choosing life wrote: I was wondering myself if a jw doctor could still not order a blood transfision for a patient. How would they ever get through med. school and their residency?
I guess that's just another reason why the WTS prefers to send their people to law school.
choosing life
I know a young witness who is about to start med school. I havn't said anything to him as it would raise a few red flags and didn't want to cause him trouble. The elders are aware of his career plans. He already has his masters and will start the actual practice of dealing with patients soon.
What does he do, I wonder? Say it's against his religion? I know from the pecking order in hospitals that this would not go over too well for him. I'm just watching to see what happens.
Medical students where I work are not allowed to write orders or give verbal orders. They observe and begin to practice procedures, take medical histories, and consult with the medical residents on duty where there are concerns. It's the residents and staff physicians who write orders for procedures, treatments, medications, etc., so the accountability for ordering a blood transfusion would not fall to the medical student.
Your acquaintance may have a specialty in mind that will not require him to deal with the blood transfusion issue at all. Or he may opt to join one of the bloodless medicine teams that are popping up in centers all over the world.
choosing life:
How would they ever get through med. school and their residency?
I personally knew a JW who was in his residency and he was "just following orders" regarding the blood issue. However, I believe he is going/went into a speciality that will allow him to completely avoid the whole blood issue (I believe his specialty will be pain management)... He was serving as an MS in St. Louis and worked at a major teaching hospital there until recently. I just heard the other day that he and his wife moved to Washington state. (Doc, you know who you are....and you did not even say goodbye ..and we were sooo close.... as*ho*e..... so much for brotherly love )
Sure hope your new congo doesn't find out the games you played while you were in the area.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "doesn't like two faced as*ho*es" Sheep Class)
choosing life
I don't work at a teaching hospital, so I appreciate the info. But I still wonder how he will get through his residency. Can they actually choose a specialty for their residency? I thought they had to put in their time in different rotations?
Good to see you back. Hope all went well at the convention. I am sorry I had to miss it (not). You'll have to start a new thread to fill us all in on the newest insanities.
there were 3 jw nurses in our congregation, they all decided together they wouldn't hang up the blood they only take it down when its finished.