?? Awake pictures

by RebelWife 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mum

    : I always thought in a perfect world everyone would be naked, with perfect bodies.

    Me, too, BFD. They keep the fruit but throw away the really good part. Maybe mosquitoes and ticks are going to survive Armageddon, hence the need for clothing. Are textiles going to survive Armageddon? How long can they last. At some point, they're going to have to build some textile mills or move to North Carolina and reactive those.

    I hope some good books make it through Armageddon, some good bath products as well. That fruit would get tiresome!



  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    if what you guys are looking for a a bunch of Naked pretty people, then you don't need JW bullshit, just buy a plane ticket to Brazil, they have guys with fruit stands so you don't need to pick the fruit.

  • Cellist

    LOL Worldly Andre!

    Everyone isn't the same height in all their pictures, quite frequently they portray a child who is a giant. It's called poorly trained artists who don't have a handle on perspective or reality. The pictures were always so poorly constructed that I used to groan when they'd tell us from the platform to look at them as a learning aid.

    On a bit of a side note, I remember one C.O. pointing to a panda bear in one of the "paradise" pictures and saying "see, in the New System they will eat vegetation". I thought to myself, "idiot! The pictures shows it eating bamboo which is exactly what they eat right now." I would have loved to point that out to him after the meeting, but we were starting to slow down and I didn't want to draw any adverse attention to ourselves.


  • loosie
    I for one am looking forward to barbecuing a lion or two in paradise

    Ninja, everyone will be a vegan in paradise.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Ninja, everyone will be a vegan in paradise.

    That's what they always told me.

    But going to paradise without eating the marrow would be like going to a pool party with no pool.

    (Isaiah 25:6) "6 And Jehovah of armies will certainly make for all the peoples, in this mountain, a banquet of well-oiled dishes, a banquet of [wine kept on] the dregs, of well-oiled dishes filled with marrow, of [wine kept on] the dregs, filtered. "

    No marrow and you're left with just [wine] and oily plates.

  • Stealth453

    I always thought in a perfect world everyone would be naked, with perfect bodies.

    Perfect jw bodies?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Sign me up for naked as well.

  • BluesBrother
    And is everything going to be that perfect?

    All those animals and never a turd in sight !

    Btw when I was a small boy I was repetedly told that we would all be naked in perfect paradise ..really believed it . At least the men can wear beards as they once said, althogh I have never seen it in the pics.

  • BluesBrother

    This has got to be the silliest New World drawing, IMHO.first seen in "What does The Bible Really Teach?" 2005 ( it certainly does not teach that)


  • dobbie

    So in those pics eveyone looks so healthy etc cos sickness and death has passed away etc etc BUT what would happen if say that girl fell off the elephant in the picture broke all her bones, and the elephant stamped on her brother and killed him?Would they just suddenly jump up from the floor again miraculously healed and restore to life?! Or would they have to have Jesus come down to earth and raise them from the dead?Just something i've always wondered cos you can't prevent accidents surely no matter how perfect you are?Wonder if Jesus ever stubbed his toe or something like that?

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