LIE in NWT Phil 3:11

by hamsterbait 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    Here is Rotherham's rendering, published in 1902:

    To comment on a statement quoted above by the Society:

    One of the basic meanings of the word e·xa·na´sta·sis is getting up from bed in the morning; thus it can well represent a resurrection occurring early, otherwise called "the first resurrection."

    This looks like a non sequitur to me. The ex- emphasizes the fact that rising up is out of something (or a position), in this case, getting up out of bed. It's quite a leap to then claim that it instead refers to an "early" rising because getting up out of bed happens to occur early in the day.

  • JCanon

    This is certainly an interesing passage I had not noticed before, about Paul talking about attaining the "resurrection of the dead" whether it is early or late. But the fact that it seems confusing, confusing enough for the WTS to insert the word "early" and for it not to make much sense in the general sense, to realize that Paul is actually talking about the spiritual death and resurrection that all humans symbolically undergo to get eternal life. "“If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and follow me continually. 35 For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for the sake of me and the good news will save it." (Mark 8:34).

    So Paul here, I would say, is talking about the ultimate resurrection from the dead state of being born under Adamic sin, and thus going from death to eternal life, generally, whether eternal life on the earth or in heaven.

    A comparable fine point of this concept, of course, is in Revelation where it speaks of those of the first resurrection as "coming to life" at that time but the rest of the dead not "coming to life" until after the 1000 years. Though a wrong concept, even the WTS understood that this "coming to life" was not specifically the resurrection back to life, but to eternal life. That's because the second resurrection, the so-called "general" resurrection is of both the righteous and unrighteous and the unrighteous will die again in the lake of fire, the "second death." So this "coming to life" would not refer to them.

    So there is certainly a general concept of a resurrection, but the overall spiritual concept of "coming to life" from a spiritual standpoint, meaning attaining God's final approval that gains one eternal life.

    Given the clear choice of the concept of going from death to life and the two concepts of the resurrection, one literal, one spiritual, it would appear Paul is speaking of the spiritually lying down one's life for the sake of Christ in hopes that by losing one's life for the sake of Christ, one gains his life back from God in the spiritual resurrection to eternal life, a resurrection that all humans are considered as undergoing from the death they inherited from Adam, even though some, specifically those who are still alive at the time of the second coming and who live through the millennium and thus never really experience a physical death before receiving eternal life, still are considered to have undergone a spiritual resurrection to life.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Thanks for posting this. I have been keeping track of all the mistranslations of the NWT for further use. I looked up the verse in four other translations and earlier or anything like it is not used. It is obvious that it was placed there to further their 2 class belief.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    WOW! why would they put in the word earlier? It does not make any sense!

    I have many bibles and compared reading NWT to them and I am not happy with the NWT.

    It is easier to read but somethings are distorted such as an earlier resurrection? I just do not get it!

    Is this writing about an anticipation of the resurrection? A personal hope of the resurrection!

    Sorry! I see that everyone has done such a good job researching this topic out! It really does help to read the discussion.

    Eventhough Roth bible has "earlier" inserted it does not make sense to the context as to what Paul expressed.

  • JCanon

    Hello Sarah:

    OW! why would they put in the word earlier? It does not make any sense!

    You know, it is rather SHOCKING that they would just add that word in there when it's not in the Greek text! But getting past that shock, I'm pretty sure their mindset was that Paul was not aspiring to the general resurrection but to what the Bible calls the "better resurrection" which is the "earlier resurrection" based on some other texts that express that preference, the earlier resurrection over the later one:

    HEBREWS 11: 35 Women received their dead by resurrection; but other [men] were tortured because they would not accept release by some ransom, in order that they might attain a better resurrection.

    Here is where they must be reflecting. The better resurrection is the "earlier" or "first" resurrection. Problem is, they are not supposed to be editorializing the Bible itself. They could have made a footnote if they wanted to here and noted "Paul was talking about the earlier resurrection and gave this scripture cross-references. In fact, they do give the cross-references for the earlier resurrection. But still it would have been better to explain the confusion than to insert something that wasn't there.

    As it is now, apparently Paul was not speaking of the first resurrection versus the second resurrection specifically, but the concept of the spiritual resurrection to eternal life that every human symbolically goes through, being considered already dead because of the sins of Adam. That is, living people are actually said to still be dead and not "come to life" until they are approved of everlasting life. That was the reference, I believe, that is here and thus Paul would not have distinguished any "earlier" resurrection for this reference. He's talking about something else.

    Another indicator that Paul is not referencing the liter resurrection, either the early one or the later one, is that Paul was never to die. There were two groups of Christians in Jesus day. Those who would die and have to be resurrected at the second coming and some who would never die at all but would SURVIVE UNTIL THE LORD'S DAY and then meet up with those who had to be resurrected. Paul includes himself with those who would be of the "living" class who would never die at 1 Thess 4:15:

    1 Thess 4: 15 For this is what we tell YOU by Jehovah’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death]; 16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. 17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.

    See? So why, if Paul knew he would never die, be speaking of the resurrection? It would not make sense for him to speak of the first resurrection, because he is clearly not in that group. But if Paul was speaking in terms of the general spiritual resurrection of mankind, in relation to being resurrected from the sins of Adam to eternal life, then that would explain the reference here and why he would specifically not make a distinction for any "early" resurrection. That is, Paul specifically would not wish for the "early" resurrection because that was only necessary for those who would die. So "early" simply isn't expository here, it's absolutely incorrect!

    But what else have we all begun to expect from the WTS and the GB who are now in total darkness?

    Those handling the sacred word were told not to change one little thing, but they chose "sacrifice" or "obedience." An old, old mistake when it comes with dealing with Jehovah. It's like God's law about the Ark of the Covenant that said no human hands were to touch it. Yet when it was about to fall someone reached out to try and steady it and guess what? He died instantly! I'm sure he had good intentions, but "obedience is better than sacrifice" always.

    The WTS in turn likewise thought they are making a great sacrifice of honor by inserting "Jehovah" into places in the NT. But turns out they are incompetent as to determining when "Lord" means Jesus or "Lord" means Jehovah, since both go by that title. If they get some of these references wrong, then they actually distort God's word! So what good is their sacrifice? However, had they been OBEDIENT and not changed anything in the Bible itself, just stuck to commentary, which they could change later, then they wouldn't be in this fix. That's why the title of MAN OF LAWLESSNESS so aptly fits them. They ignore one law after another thinking they are improving things when they are simply making what is holy, unholy.

    Now they are in a big fix! They heads are on the chopping block along with Babylon the Great and Christendom! Further, they are in spiritual darkness and their "sins" are amassing up to the heavens as we speak! This is just another said example, unfortunately.

    Oh, well! They brought it upon themselves. I'm soooo glad I'm free of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave God" spell most "true witnesses" are under. They are in for a wake-up call.


  • hamsterbait
  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I think this is the reason they translate it that way!




    The resurrection hope entertained by the little flock is unique. In what ways? For one thing, it precedes the general resurrection of "the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15) Actually, the resurrection of the anointed falls into a certain order of importance, as is clearly established by these words found at 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23: "Christ has been raised up from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. But each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence." By having the kind of endurance and faith that Jesus displayed, the little flock know what is in store for them as they finish their earthly course, particularly since the true Lord came to his temple for judgment in 1918.—Malachi 3:1

    So this earlier ressurrection took place in 1918, according the the "overwhelming" evidence that the WTS typically bases their beliefs on:




    Another amazing happening during Christ’s presence is the start of the heavenly resurrection. The apostle Paul indicated that those anointed Christians long asleep in their graves would be the first to be made alive and live with Christ Jesus in the spirit realm. Evidence has been presented over the years to show that this appears to have happened from 1918 onward.

    Um, yep, we all saw the saints rising up in 1918... was that before or after da judge and his cronies were in the penitentiary?

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