JWs and Chaperones

by keyser soze 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    So here's the story. My brother invited me over to his place, just to hang out, watch movies, etc. He was supposed to work until 4, so I should come by anytime after that. I get there at 4:30, and he's still not home, as he had to work a little late. The kids were also not there, so it ended up being just me and my sister-in-law there until he got home.

    Well, this was the day a couple of elders from her congregation decided to stop by for what was according to them, "not a shepherding call, really, but more of a social visit", one in which they were prompted to be dressed in suits and bring their bibles along. My sister-in-law, upon seeing them in the driveway, persuaded me to hide in the bathroom for the entirety of their visit, which seemed like an hour, but in reality was more like 15 to 20 minutes. I can't tell you how ridiculous I felt doing this, because a) there was absolutely nothing to hide, b) I couldn't give one rat's ass what these men have to say, anyway, and c) I wasn't even there to see her, my brother invited me over. I went along with it for her sake, because I had learned from previous experience that a lecture would have ensued.

    In case you think my SIL was simply being paranoid, this had happened once before, at my parents house. It ended up being just the two of us, as my parents had stepped out, and I didn't even realize it. My other brother's wife stopped by the house to drop something off and caught the two of us watching a movie (how scandalous!). I figured she would mention something to my brother, but that's all the farther it would go. But low and behold, after the next meeting, I was called into the chamber of horrors elder's room to discuss how inappropriate it is for two people of the opposite sex, who aren't married, to be alone together.

    Because of their inability to let people exercise their own consciences in even the simplest of matters, I was forced to spend 20 minutes hiding in the bathroom from nosy men, who weren't even invited in the first place.

  • loosie

    So if she was your blood related sister would they still say the same thing?

  • brunnhilde

    ROFL!! I agree (hope the bathroom was clean). And they accuse other people of having bad motives when they regularly display their own lack of morals!

  • eclipse

    What would of happened if they asked to use that bathroom

    That sounds like an annoying experience!

    And probably not unusual one for JW's.

    I am sure some have hidden a guest from uninvited ''nosy bros' and sis' '' when there was nothing ''immoral'' going on.

    I hate this judgemental religion. Bunch of pious village idiots.

  • loosie

    They don't trust themsleves so they can't trust anyone else.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    What would of happened if they asked to use that bathroom

    They actually have two bathrooms. Hopefully, she would've had the good sense of directing them to the other one, after going through this silly charade.

  • greendawn

    That's not nice, not feeling free to do as you wish in your home because of the dictates of a half baked religion or cult. These are mentalities left over from the Victorian age, the world has moved on a lot since then.

  • hamsterbait


    The times I have been alone with my friends dog. Remember the abominations of Leviticus.

    Maybe the eldumbs didn't bother because it was not my friends ASS.


  • flipper

    Keyser- My gawd, these freaks just think that we are all oozing with sexual energy just waiting to hop in the sack with anybody that has legs and walks!! Jeez, it was your sister in law for crying out loud! Once again I think this is the elders way of projecting what they would be thinking to do if in your very same position, alone with their sister in laws. This organization has big time problems on their proper view of sex anyway, hell, just look at the facts. They excuse and make up reasons they can't bring molesters to justice and let the pervs serve later in positions of oversight at times , when they have slipped through the cracks in the congregation.

    Yet they have the audacity to impute bad motives to you for going to see your brother. Crazy elders were probably drooling and frothing at the mouth and doing as Borat says, "hand party " with themselves in the bathroom after counseling you. Sick bastards. Peace to you my bro, hope they leave you alone

  • collegegirl21

    How ridiculous it is that you aren't able to just sit and relax with your sister in law - who is practically your sister because of the mentality of the witnesses. I think that's ridiculous!!!!! I'm sorry you were forced to sit on the toilet without reading material for 20 mins! Lol.

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