I very rarely lie, but I took off work for personal reasons, and that was not a good enough explanation so I told an acceptable lie which no one really gives a rats ass or not.
There was a time when the telling the truth about eveything was important to me. I thought it made a difference. Sometimes I suffered for telling the truth. Sometimes no one cared what the real truth really was.
I believed by being truthful we would stay at the center of reality. Good or bad, and we could learn from it and correct things.
like when they ask, why are you returning this merchandise, tell the truth, so we can get better products,
just stupid small things like that. People really dont want to hear the truth.
I became angry when I thought about the JW religion and the way they handle problems and being truthful. No wonder they grill people like they do, when they are not truthful themselves. The lies, the coverups that they do themselves is not behaviour of everyone.
Not everyone is out to get another, not everyone is judgemental, there are kind compassionate people everywhere.
It is such a small thing that upsets me the most about the society, and that is the change in wording from the WT to the bound volume on the generation thing. A lie
How many people have we seen humiliated, shunned, demoralized, from being DF, from going through a judicial meeting.......questioned over and over.
And yet, we could not and cannot question. We do not have the priveledge of having an audience with the very people we have supported financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
There is so much than can be said. I wondered if they feel at all badly for the lies, like I felt for lieing to my co-workers. There is part of me that says, what I am off work for is non of their business, but it was unscheduled.
What the governing body, the writing dept, whoever is administering the literature from up there in Brooklyn, those people that counsel their followers the ones that support them, NOT to read any other publications, the books they study from are so messed up, when they studied the Revelation book.......how many errors were changed in it ......a special sheet came out stating page by page how to fix them????
The time I spent hiding out to fade with the least amount of damage sickens me. All the while giving the org respect.
They lied to me, they lied to us, and for that reason, I don't and will never believe what they say. It also makes me sick that they use the bible as a means to continue lieing, pretending to be good and righteous. For those that still have a fairy tale belief system they exploit that and that sickens me as well.
ok, i am done be sick for tonight