Interesting test

by nvrgnbk 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    I think it may be possible to get 7/7. After all if you get that score they can always say: 'Hey Enlightened One, this book was made for you!'

    I also think I did not answer every question exactly how the questioner would like, so it would be possible to 'improve' my score.

    They raised some interesting questions, but the language was decidedly loaded in places.


  • Shutterbug


    got a 3. That test was stupid. If we all believed in what they believe, we'd be robots. And thats one of the reasons why I left the watchtower. I love having my own thoughts and opinions, and screw those who think their ideas are best.

    Very good Rose. When it comes to life after death questions, how are we supposed to give an answer, none of us have been dead yet? 4 of 7

  • slimboyfat
    When it comes to life after death questions, how are we supposed to give an answer, none of us have been dead yet?

    Well we can't be sure of anything I suppose, but there do seem to be some clear indications that consciousness is bound up with our brain and that when it stops functioning we will no longer have any sense that we are alive.


  • eclipse
    but there do seem to be some clear indications that consciousness is bound up with our brain and that when it stops functioning we will no longer have any sense that we are alive.

    We lose consciousness every time when we sleep for a good 3-8 hours.

    We lose the sense that we are alive.

  • slimboyfat

    But we do still have sensations in sleep so that external noise, heat, or internally, an alarming thought, can wake us.

    It has been shown that persons with brain damage affecting certain parts of the brain lose this or that sense. (sight, memory, hearing and so on) So it makes *sense* to conclude that when our whole brain stops functioning then we no longer have any sensation.


  • eclipse

    lol yes that is a given.

  • nvrgnbk

    They raised some interesting questions, but the language was decidedly loaded in places.


    Agreed, Slim.

  • brinjen

    I got 5 out of 7 as well. Seems to be the 'default' answer.

  • slimboyfat

    I reckon ex-JWs are among the most 'enlightened' people around.

    Am I the only one who scored 6/7 in the test?

    Slim (of the truly enlightened class)

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