I've spent the last 2 months listening to talks of former and current JW's, reading, using the WT CD, going through my collection of Watchtowers from 1879-1947 (which I do have on .pdf if anyone is interested) and books I've managed to not lose in many moves since 1964.
Is there a .pdf of the 1969 The KingdomInterlinearTranslationoftheGreekScriptures anywhere? I got one as a gift in 1969 when was a little girl and after going through many boxes of publications I can't find mine. I don't want the newer one (it may have been changed).
I need it to collaberate some things I have heard and unless I can read it for myself I can't take someone else's "saying" that the KIT says something. There are points I really want to look up the scriptures on in that version of the Bible.