A question for the women...

by lola28 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • lola28

    Ok so here is the deal, I'm only 23 and get my period maybe once every three months, normally I feel really sick before I get it for example this time I felt really dizzy for about three days and felt like I was going to vomit all weekend, I just got my period today after 3/4 months. I'm wondering if I'm the only one on here that is so irregular and how normal/abnormal something like this is for someone my age.


  • sweetface2233

    How often do you visit your gyno and have you addressed this w/ her?

  • RAF

    MrsJones talked about something like that once ... (maybe I'm confusing the name, but that's the name who came in my mind)

  • lola28


    I haven't had a regular doctors visit in a very long time, I'm terrified of the doctor, in fact I've even been avoiding my regular eye check.


  • ex-nj-jw

    You should call your OB/GYN it could mean any number of things. I'd see my Dr. if I were you!


  • LoverOfTruth


    This does not seem normal at all for a 23 year old woman. You should be having a period every 28 days or so. Are you taking Birth Control Pills? These oftentimes will mess up your cycle. So can stress and extreme loss of weight. (The Nausea makes me think of Pregnancy)

    If you were my daughter, I'd pick you up and take you to the doctor myself. Due to your age, it probably isn't anything serious but you need to know for certain.

  • sweetface2233

    Hon, you really should call your Dr. I don't know what the problem could be, but it doesn't sound normal at all. If you don't have a reg gyno, check w/ the women at work or those in your social circle and see who they could recomend. Actually, I found my gyno by opening my HMO listings and chose a Dr. w/ a name I could pronouce...LOL. She is great. Bite the bullet! I would hate to think that you have a serious health issue that is continually going untreated.

  • lola28

    Hi Sweetface!

    Thank you so much for your concern, I think I may have to do just that, I've been sitting in my office all day feeling like I'm going to be sick and I hate the feeling ( I hate feeling dizzy a lot more tho)


  • sweetface2233

    Anytime! I often have nausea and dizziness, but my cycle is regular. I have been diagnosed w/ acid reflux disease which explains the nausea and I am perpetually dehydrated due to my strenuous workout routines and not drinking enough fluids which leads to dizziness. I also have post traumatic stress disorder. I clench my jaw at night and wake up w/ horrible neck and jaw pain. It's possible that stress is causing all of this, but you need to see a doc to be sure.

  • Es

    Def go and see someone about it. I was diagnosed with polycistic ovaries when I was 17!!! I never had a regular period infact I went 6 months without ovulating. I had to go on strong medication to help this.


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