607 and 586 are 31 years apart, so adding 31 years to the witness timetable makes the end of the Gentile Times 1945. I guarantee you that if this happens, the Watchtower will try to tie in the END of World War II to this. They'll say that the World Wars were a culmination of the old world, a conclusion, and since there haven't been any world wars since (fingers crossed) that proves that we are now living in the last legs of the old system of things.
When/If the society accepts Jerusalem's destruction in 586 BCE...
by B_Deserter 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
607 - 586 = 21, not 31
They would never admit to being wrong on such a big issue.
However, if they did, it would be funny to see how many dubs would be so happy for getting such wonderous "new light".
it would suck for us though. i feel this is one of the biggest things you can use to challenge jw doctrine.
If 1935 were the end of the Gentile Times --
What happened in the organization in 1935? The identification of the "great multitude" class, and the cutting off of the heavenly hope for new ones coming into the spiritual paradise.
Oh wait, the WTS just went back on the 1935 date earlier this year.
Never mind, back to the thread.
The WBT$ could change it tomorrow and JW`s would care less...........It would be new light!..See how informed JW`s are!..JW`s are the happiest,smartest people on the planet..The WBT$ say`s so...OUTLAW
It's unlikely they will do so at least in the foreseeable future because if they lose 1914 and the subsequent (imagined) inspection of all religions that saw them chosen as the only accepted religion before God then that will bring down much of their doctrine and status. That's why they cling so strongly to a date that was discredited by all historical research.
607 is absolutely essential to the chronology which sets up Christ's selection of the WTS as his Faithful and Discreet Slave in 1919. They have established a fine amount of number crunching using numbers in the book of Daniel to segue from 1914 into 1919 (when they were chosen by Jesus as his Slave Class).
It seems that ditching the 1914 date would create many more problems than it would solve. If the Gentile Times did not end until some 21 years later, that means that Christ's selecting of them also took place much later. This means that he chose a "Steward" who not only predicted the end in 1914, but also in 1918 and 1925. This means that Christ chose a Faithful and Discreet Slave who made a whopping three false predictions before he even selected them!
I don't think 607 will be ditched. It's too important. It's much easier to just accuse those who doubt the chronology as "apostates who don't put faith in God's word". Slogans and catch-phrases continue to work quite well for them.
The Society admits, and even brags that they have added to the
" Good news of God" that Jesus Christ used to preach in the Middle East. To get rid of the foot that they have stuffed in their own mouth would undermine all they hold dear about their brand of "Good News" about 1914 that is so different from the kind of good news that Christendom has been telling the world about for hundereds of years. Check these quotes out and apply Gal.1: 6-9 to them.
w815/1p.17IfGodHasanOrganization,WhatIsIt?3 Let the honest-hearted person compare the kind of preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom done by the religious systems of Christendom during all the centuries with that done by Jehovah’s Witnesses since the end of World War I in 1918.They are not one and the same kind. That of Jehovah’s Witnesses is really "gospel," or "good news," as of God’s heavenly kingdom that was established by the enthronement of his Son Jesus Christ at the end of the Gentile Times in 1914
w831/1p.12TheKingdomIssuetotheFore!***Properly, then, the ending of the Gentile Times in the latter half of 1914 still stands on a historical basis as one of the fundamental Kingdom truths to which we must hold today.
w6712/15p.753WhatNowDistinguishestheGoodNewstoBePreached***EVER since the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 something of very present importance has been added to the "good news of God" that Jesus Christ used to preach in the Middle East, preaching to as many cities as possible, just as he said on one
w6712/15p.753WhatNowDistinguishestheGoodNewstoBePreached***What vital thing has now been added to the good news of the kingdom of God that Jesus Christ and his zealous apostles used to preach nineteen hundred years ago? This, namely, the birth of God’s Messianic kingdom in the heavens at the end of the Gentile Times in 1914. And after the ensuing war in the invisible heavens and the ouster of Satan the Devil and his demons from heaven and down to earth, this announcement was sounded forth, to be added to the good news, as stated in Revelation 12:9-12:
w6712/15p.753WhatNowDistinguishestheGoodNewstoBePreached***All this additional wonderful information has been true since the end of the "appointed times of the nations" in 1914, and particularly since World War I closed in the year 1918. Not before the "appointed times of the nations" ended in the fall of 1914 could the good news be preached of the newborn, established heavenly kingdom of God and of his Messiah.
Trying to dismantle the importance of 1914 would be like trying to unring a bell, or bumping the table that a house of cards is sitting upon. But then, how many of the faithful would even notice? or even care? How many even noticed when the society made the above quotes about adding to the "Good News" and calling it "additional wonderful information"
1914 JESUS SECOND COMING our JWD thread 2007