Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists

by abiather 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    Liquid water is a requirement for life on Earth. But in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry. Cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world ­ specifically Titan, the giant moon of Saturn. A planetary body awash with seas not of water, but of liquid methane, Titan could harbor methane-based, oxygen-free cells that metabolize, reproduce and do everything life on Earth does. (

    Interestingly, this is good-news for both atheists and theists alike! Materialists would say life can exist anywhere without the help of God. And those believing in God would say that this is yet another proof that God exists (Life varies according to the nature of its host, as oxygen-based on earth, and methane-based on Titan …and something-else-based on some other planet …… It means life follows certain Law (not chance), and Law presupposes LAW-GIVER.

    This shows the two groups—atheists and theists—will be there eternally as whatever happens satisfies both the groups! Interestingly, God is indifferent to both the groups. (Compare Mathew 5:44-48; 7:21-23)

  • Simon

    Theists would definitely try to spin things into being "proof of god" but everyone knows that life existing elsewhere would be a torpedo through the creationist view of life.

    Why would god create life on some completely uninhabitable corner of the solar system? What reason could be given that makes any sense? Does he need to practice? Did he spill some "life" out of a test-tube?

    The simple answer is: if it is found to exist the it doesn't owe it's existence to any god.


    Cows emit a massive amount of methane through belching, with a lesser amount through flatulence. Statistics vary regarding how much methane the average dairy cow expels. Some experts say 100 liters to 200 liters a day (or about 26 gallons to about 53 gallons), while others say it's up to 500 liters (about 132 gallons) a day. In any case, that's a lot of methane, an amount comparable to the pollution produced by a car in a day.

    ...................................Image result for cow planet

    Image result for Cow farts......Image result for Cow farts

  • abiather


    Our views are inadvertently shaped by the world we live in. See a predominant attitude that rules most of the people in the world: People buy things they do not often need with the money they do not have to impress people they don’t like! Now ask them: What do you get after impressing others? They will say: We get nothing! Then ask: “Why do you take all these troubles?” They may say: “Because all are doing, hence we too!” So is the case with people who greedily accumulate things which they can neither use fully nor carry with them when they leave this world—something which Alexander the Great and Bhuddha taught us with their very lives.

    So, just because we cannot find purpose in what people in general do, we tend to see no purpose in what God too does. In His case, He does everything for some reason which may or may not be known to us for the time being. Yet we can discern something: Things in the world move toward goals, just as the arrow does not move toward its goal except by the archer's directing it. Thus, there must be an intelligent designer who directs all things to their goals!

  • Xanthippe
    Things in the world move toward goals, just as the arrow does not move toward its goal except by the archer's directing it. Thus, there must be an intelligent designer who directs all things to their goals!

    So if a bolt of lightning strikes a person and stops their heart who directs that? What is the goal of flesh-sizzling lightning?

  • abiather


    You ask: “If a bolt of lightning strikes a person and stops their heart who directs that? What is the goal of flesh-sizzling lightning?

    The principle of justice is inherent in the fabric of the cosmos. In Chinese religion there is both an impersonal Tao or Heaven which gives recompense according to PRINCIPLE and Taoist deities who execute judgment.

    “for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”—Galatians 6:7

    Law of justice is inseparably connected with God’s very being. It goes like this: God does only what is good, hence giver of happiness. (Mathew 5:44-48) So if you give happiness to others, happiness will return to you (means by which it returns may vary from person to person depending upon each one’s circumstance); and if you make others sad, sadness will return to you (by what means matters not). Suppose I insulted you, and I may not be insulted by anyone—because insult will not make me distressed. Hence God and nature will make sure that I get distressed in other areas—may be through financial loss. Then I cannot lament saying: “I do lot of charity work, and why I suffered such a financial loss?”

    So Law of justice is all about attitude, rather than action. An innocent may SEEM to be punished. That is because we see only the tip of the ice berg. The sowing may have been happened in the past—distant or immediate, or committed crime yet not caught, or planned but not executed, or would happen only in the future—it is all about attitude you carry, not necessarily about action. It is like you going to a house [which you were sure nobody was in] in the middle of the night with the intention of stealing; but could not steal as the neighbors were awake! But in principle you are a thief in your heart—something which you ONLY know whereas the rest of the world does not know. (Compare What Bible says in Mathew 5:28) Now years later you are caught for stealing about which you do not know anything. Knowing your plight, the world may lament saying: the innocent is suffering! Take another case which I know personally: One Elder’s daughter was detained in the Air Port as terror suspect, but later was released as she could prove her innocence. But it caused to her and the whole congregation much distress as she missed her flight. You would have blamed the system! But wait! Soon she was disfellowshipped from congregation for a long-term adulterous relationship with another Elder (which was going on secretly for years). This shows the attitude of betrayal was already there in her heart as she was already married to an innocent Elder. If you give distress to someone, distress will come to you—not necessarily the exact way in which it was given by you! If you caused a suffering to someone as though a bolt of lightning struck him, you are actually paving the way for such calamity to come to you.

  • cofty
  • bohm
    "Hello I am here to recruit you for my cult. Let me tell you about karma"
  • Xanthippe
    Cultist, I am so glad to have given you this opportunity to prove how crazy you really are.
  • Viviane
    This shows the two groups—atheists and theists—will be there eternally as whatever happens satisfies both the groups! Interestingly, God is indifferent to both the groups. (Compare Mathew 5:44-48; 7:21-23)

    You've previously endorsed Delta frequency meditation in order to communicate with God. How does it work? What, specifically, is a Delta wave? How does the communication work? What is this God made of? Why does turning off your senses and mind help? These are all claims you've made, yet, curiously, refuse to answer.

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