Alot of you have seen them..Automated self-cleaning Cat Litter Boxes..It`s frigg`n Amazing!..The cat takes a dump..10 minutes later,a rake comes from the back of the box and scoops up the poop..Theres a little garbage can at the front of the box..The garbage can lid is raised by the machine and the poop is placed in the garbage can..Then the machine closes the lid and rakes the sand perfect,for the cats next poop..LOL!!...............Theres been many improvements through the years and I`ve just upgraded to the New Cat Litter Box "Poopius Maximus!"..LOL!!.......I was amazed how the first model could rake the sand so perfect and evenly.My first thought was:"What do they expect the cat do do,take a poop and play a round of golf in his litter box??"..LOL!!..........The new one is a "Kitty Poop-Space Ship!".......Yes,it rakes the sand perfectly..But..It also has:A charcoal filter/An ionizer/an optional roof/..And..A clock..A Frigg`n Clock!..???..Why does my cat need a Frigg`n Clock?!!..LOL!!..Do they think he wants to "poop on time"?..Or..Maybe "poop at the right time?"..Maybe this makes the cat so "time conscious",he feels he has no time to poop and thats how the box works?..LOL!!...OUTLAW
My Cats new Litter Box
by OUTLAW 27 Replies latest jw friends
That's funny stuff Outlaw, I know what you mean about all the 'extras' being offered on the automated litterboxes. I found one for next to nothing in cost at a rummage sale that must be the first generation of electric cat poo removers. I bought it thinking it was the answer to Mrs. Eagle's prayers - I take care of the front end of the cats, she takes care of the other. Don't ask me how I got the better end, heh, of the bargain, it just worked out that way. Anyway at first we both thought the contraption was great, just as you described. Cats go in, make their deposit, scratch litter over poo, ten minutes later no more poo. One small problem we encountered pretty quick is because one of our two cats isn't so great at the scratch the litter over the poo part of the equation. So when the machine sends the rake to pick up the stuff it's still, yuck, 'wet.' The wet stuff tends to get stuck in the teeth of the rake so it continuously sets off the electric sensor. That means the rake continues to go back and forth trying to shake off the stuck poo into the trash receptacle. I think littermaid is using a much more quiet motor on the newer models but ours is really loud. To stop the continuous cycle of the thing you have to grab the litter scoop with the notches on the front and manually knock the poo into the container. Which is fine except Mrs. Eagle has developed selective hearing when it happens during her "So you think you can don't forget the Gordon Ramsay's Boston Legal preseason football" show.
Mrs. Eagle's brother bought the latest and greatest model for his cat and this thing included all the stuff you mentioned such as a hooded cover and carpeted ramp. Man we spoil the little milk lickers.
I always wanted one of those my "tech" over the years has progressed from an old soup spoon when I was 8 years old to an actual slotted scoop now :-p The biggest issue is there is something about my cat's pee that doesn't like to clump in the litter the way it did with any other cat, not sure what it is we've tried lots of brands over the last year. Argh.
Hi-tech litter box?? Man, you Western Hemisphere types have it good!
If I were you, I'd let the cat treat B.C. as one giant kitty litter box - apart from the bears, who's gonna know?
My cats just go outside and deal with that side of things themselves. They don't tell me what they do, and I don't want to know. And that's the way I like it.
I've had a Littermaid automatic litter box for about a year now. It's doing fine. My cat knows how to cover her stuff and so the thing works all right. The only grief I have is when it comes time to empty the end container, the plastic edge pops out and sprays cat litter everywhere, including my face.
Oh, and I've made the mistake of over filling the pan...if you do that by just a tiny bit, the darn rake will not be able to return to its home position.
I think it's the best purchase I've ever made at Walmart. I hate shopping there, but where else can you get an affordable automatic pooper scooper?
My wife is the frugal one, but she also gave me the sole responsibility of cleaning the litter box, so I got to splurge a bit on this luxury after much whining and complaining.
How much are those things? Suppose they don't have a handy side scoop or something for the cat who thinks they are going in the box but fail to see their butt hanging over the edge instead? Now that would be something!
Ladies: Tired of scooping? If you are of child bearing age is it really safe to scoop? I say no! The risk to an unborn child is far too great, therefore the man in your life should take over this job just in case of an unexpected pregnancy. ha, mine took over that job when I became pregnant years ago, and somehow I never got that job back!
Buy a dog!!!! LOL
A few weeks ago my little furballs decided they didn't like one of their litter boxes. I looked at the automated ones but didn't want to spend that much even thou the new large covered on cast $45. Paralipomenon starts coughing really hard when he does to boxes and it doesn't bother me so I get the job.
I have found that some kinds of clumping cat litter work better than others. The store brand clumping does not work for urine. I use Maxx Mulit-cat unscented and it works really well and I use less. It is a bit more expensive but I can usually get it on sale.
I read that women who have been exposed to cat feces before pregnancy are at a much lower risk of developing Toxoplasmosis. Sorry I don't know how to do the linky thingy. Not as scary or as dangerous as you think. Just take some precautions and you'll be fine.
Bobbi( loving her two cats, Calvin and Sasha) -
I was just teasing anyway. Just one less chore to do and that's all right with me!
I think I may just have to buy one of these.