I revise my previous post on here after much thought.
The WTS was successful when they had an oracle. The Mormons are successful because
they have that "other book" along with the Bible. They are a successful cult much bigger than
WTS and are virtually mainstream Christianity even though they are totally wacko.
What WTS needs is a new oracle to start opening new scrolls. They keep saying the GB are
not "inspired" but spirit-directed. They need to switch that. Make some daring statements
about how the GB is now INSPIRED. New clear truths have been revealed- fascinating times
are ahead for God's people. Then get everyone in a frenzy about 2034- far enough off that the
current GB will be mostly dead by then. Leave the mopping up for the next "generation."
They might double their numbers and income by then, and then lose half their members.
The remaining 6 to 7 million will be dedicated and ready for any kool-aid coming out of the
Somehow, after the fallout- try to mainstream the remainder. The blind faithful will prefer
dropping extreme doctrine to drinking the kool-aid, so they will follow.