Does anyone have another view or interpretation of the 7 headed 10 horned wild beast and the one that gives it power that beast having one head and 2 horns. I believe current WT informs the 7 headed wild beast to be the UN and the beast that gives it power the 2 honed wild beast to be the American-Anglo power. Please give any other alternative views to this prophecy. As it seems to me to make a bit of sense to me. Thank you for you help.
wild beast
by erik 20 Replies latest jw friends
The Papacy has always been a good candidate. The Roman Empire was another one.
Why the papacy and the roman government, I do not see the correlation.
I would recommend that you read the entire book of Revelation in one setting. Pretend that you are reading this this for the first time with no interpretation or preconcieved ideas. I did this, and this is what I concluded. The first few chapters contain good advice to some congregations. After that, I think some drugs or hallucinations were kicking in. The imagery goes back and forth and is not in chonological order.
The author was very familiar with the book of Daniel and many of the verses are taken directly from the book of Daniel. I once gave a Sunday talk at the Kingdom Hall on the parallels between Daniel and Revelation, which I created on my own. That was before the days of strict outlines from Brooklyn.
My conclusion is that John was writing in a code about the whore, the Roman Empire. He used the imagery to avoid being brought up on criminal charges. I don't think any of these wonderfully creative images have anything to do with today.Interpreting Revelation is like interpreting the Rorschach ink blots. The interpretations come from within the person, not from the stimulus.
I would be a wonderful thing if we were at the center of Jehovah's attention, and we were in those thrilling times when all his justice would be brought to bear on our planet. People have believed this for 2,000 years. Odds are, we are just mistaken in this regard as were past generations.
We will live. We will grow old, and we will die. That is life's cycle. Always has been; always will be. It is up to us to decide how to make the most of our lives between birth and death. If we wake up to another life after death, then that will be a happy surprise, but we have no control over that. Only God does.
As a historicist with preterist leanings, and an amillennialist to boot, I believe that most of Revelation was fulfilled a very long time ago. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is the return of Christ, IMO.
The 7 heads of the beast represent world religions. The head that recieved the stroke is Judaism. The 10 horns represent sects of christendom.
The second beast is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society which gives life to an image of Judaism and forces all to worship it, else theyre bird food at Armageddon. If you dont conform to WTS rules, your as good as dead.
Incidentally, the whore that rides the beast (Babylon the Great) are those who profess to be annointed (like the Governing Body) who would rather support their religions and be loyal to them than be loyal to Jah & Christ.
Read through Revelation 13 and see which makes more sense... nations or religions.
Its too early to go into it in more detail right now.
Is now the right time to mention that I am also a Calvinist?
I have written some things about the wild beast on my web-page
I am posting this thinking that you would likely enjoy seeing the three beast’s as envisioned through the eyes of another artist. Although I personally don’t agree with the way she (artist Pat Marvenko Smith) has depicted the arrangement of the horns on the dragon and the beast out of the sea, it is interesting just the same to consider how others have interpreted, or better said, misinterpreted the Revelation account in this area. For solid reasons, the 10 horns should be pictured as all being on top of only one head of both the dragon and the beast out of the sea. That particular head would numerically, or sequentially, be considered to be the 7th. Of course the same would be true of the image of the beast out of the sea, the scarlet-colored beast of chapter 17 … all 10 of its horns are on the 7th head too.—lefty.
More images:
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
Click here to visit her "Revelation Illustrated" site: