Anyone here from Boston MA Spanish Congregation???

by Hermano 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • M.J.

    Don't worry jefe, we'll party with you.

  • MadTiger

    Mucho cuidado, Hermano.

  • Hermano

    How 'bout now, anyone here from the Boston MA Spanish Congregation? Cant believe it's been SIX years since my original post. Where are the JP Spanish and Dorchester Spanish and Roxbury Spanish people at? That's right I'm calling out the congos by name.

  • Bella15

    No, aun no ... lol.

    Saludos y sigue esperando ...

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I am originally from just outside Boston. Currently, I have family still in and two recently switched to Spanish, but I am not sure where they attend. Lawrence, I think. Feel free to PM me.

  • monis1

    i was in a Spanish cong in California. had bro Izquierdo as a CO. he's been around the country. do you know him?

  • Finallyfree12

    im not in boston.. i was raised in Lawrence MA, English cong.... know anyone there??

  • Hermano

    Ah, Lawrence. Brings back memories. Good food. It was nice to go with the speaker (usually my dad or an older brother) to give the talk because we'd usually get invited to lunch in someone's home. Lawrence was known for great looking sisters. (At least to the teenagers and young adults in the circuit.)

  • Finallyfree12

    Yea they just did a shuffeling of the Elders a year or so ago... the Service overseer was accused of molesting a little girl in the hall... so now he's in another local hall.. where he'll probably do it again.

  • Hermano

    Never heard of brother Izquierdo. Some of the CO's I grew up with:

    Ted and Helen Ament - really nice couple


    Rene Ramirez - kindof a jerk actually, although maybe he was just doing his job and following orders.

    There were others, whose names I dont remember. There was one that was a real jerk. And I mean even die-hards like my Dad knew there was a problem with him. Heard he's driving a bus now.

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