My granddaughter 5 mos old passed away today...

by Tatiana 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    The baby, you just don't see one as cute as her very often and wow, the picture of ebullient joy. Your daughter, very, very pretty. Such profound sadness.

    I once had a friend whose husband was holding their daughter on his chest, watching TV. Both of them fell blissfully asleep. Her gasps for breath awoke him and in vain he tried to save her. She was diagnosed with SIDS. Sometimes even when you're right there with your child, you are still helpless to save your baby. I hope someone will explain this to your daughter and her husband, if it hasn't happened already. I did some reading last night, and Aliya's death sounds very typical of SIDS. I know the police will thoroughly investigate everything as will the doctors. People first think the caretaker must have done something, which isn't necessarily true.

    When the hippie clown Wavy Gravy

    I know medication can save your sanity when you are in profound shock and grief. I hope it is making your daughter's pain at least a little more bearable. I'm still taking it to deal with losing Mickey. Mickey is still alive and yet the grief we have all feel over him being taken from us is still so incredible at times I really wonder how we will survive this. And I know our grief is like a drop of water in the vast ocean of oceans compared to losing such a precious child

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tatiana}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} May this little girl catch a shooting star and and arrive very quickly to be with all your foremothers and fathers, cousins and so on.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    i am so, so heart aches for you.

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2

    So very sorry for your loss.

    What words could comfort bring to this sullen shadowed veil,

    within this barren valley lies thick mists dense and grey,

    where tears morph into hurricanes of grief O wretched gale,

    You blessed us as a shooting star so brilliant but too brief,

    no song no music evermore in this eternal grief.



  • dedpoet


    Words fail. I am so sorry


  • Sunspot

    Thank you so much, Tatiana, for posting those darling and very precious pictures for us to see. I cannot imagine the pain and agony this must be causing your poor family. My most sincere condolences go out to you....



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dearest Tatiana,

    I am so sorry for this dreadful loss that you and your family are dealing with. Please be assured of our love and concern for all of you.

    Coming from a long line of devoted and hands-on grandparents, I was in pain when I first read your thread title. I'm sorry I couldn't reply till now. I see my children - all the generations - so infrequently that when I'm with them I want to hold on, literally and figuratively, and never let go. Behind the feelings of joy I experience in their presence, I sometimes sense the lurking "Snatcher" of life and love. I really do not dwell upon such morbid thoughts; I simply am aware that what is here today may be gone tomorrow. My heart could nevertheless be torn asunder.

    May you somehow find a way through this dark hour.



  • bem

    (((((((((((((((((Tatiana)))))))))))))))) and family I join with others here in expressing my sympathy for you. And cry along with you at the loss of that beautiful baby.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Tatiana,

    (((HUGS)))!!! I am so VERY VERY sorry for the loss of your precious granddaughter! My heart goes out to you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a tragedy!!!!! You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Lady Liberty

  • Tatiana

    I have printed these pages out for my daughter to read. She has been comforted reading the stories of other parents that have been posted. I think she is coming to realize it was not her fault. At least I hope....

    I have to vent now, though. Day before yesterday, my mom left a voice mail on my daughter's cell phone. Quote.."Your baby died because of Satan and this wicked system of things. It was NOT God's fault. Satan rules this world, and that's why she's dead." She then proceeded to tell my daughter how much she loved her. Now, some of you may know the story I posted here of my sister, my step-aunt, both deceased, and both treated like shit by my pioneer mother. She has not seen my daughter in almost 14 years. No cards, no calls. Nothing. I spoke to my niece, who left the witnesses a few years ago. She said my mother was upset. I asked my niece why it took a death in the family for her to call, and say she loves someone???

    I have never been so angry. Well, that is until my mother sent witnesses to the door. My daughter has lived here for a while, and has never had ONE witness stop by. All of sudden, the bell rings, and my daughter answered. I knew I should have. When I walked into the living room, she was crying. Holding something in her hand. I asked her who it was, and she said it was two Jehovah's Witnesses. I ran to the window, and they got into a car and drove off. So, I know they were not in service. They didn't go to the next house, or across the street. Only my daughters.

    Why was my daughter crying???? Because they gave her the Awake magazine for Aug. On the cover is a picture of a family. A mother and father holding a baby, and it reads.."Seven Steps to Better Parenting." I was so angry, I tore the magazine in half and threw it in the trash.

    I just can't think it was a coincidence. They have never been here, and they didn't go to anyone elses house on the block. Maybe I'm being paranoid, (as usual) but I don't think so. It angers me so that the only time we hear from my mother is when something bad happens, and then we get a preach session on Satan's wicked world.

    Am I being overdramatic because of what has happened? Probably...but when it comes to my mother, and after the way she acted at my sister's funeral, I get so angry I want to scream. WHY CAN'T SHE JUST LEAVE US ALONE????

  • lonelysheep

    I have never been so angry. Well, that is until my mother sent witnesses to the door. My daughter has lived here for a while, and has never had ONE witness stop by. All of sudden, the bell rings, and my daughter answered. I knew I should have. When I walked into the living room, she was crying. Holding something in her hand. I asked her who it was, and she said it was two Jehovah's Witnesses. I ran to the window, and they got into a car and drove off. So, I know they were not in service. They didn't go to the next house, or across the street. Only my daughters.

    Why was my daughter crying???? Because they gave her the Awake magazine for Aug. On the cover is a picture of a family. A mother and father holding a baby, and it reads.."Seven Steps to Better Parenting." I was so angry, I tore the magazine in half and threw it in the trash.

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your daughter did not need to be torn apart anymore than she already is. I feel so very sad for her (all of you), my gosh. After what I went through with my daughter and their guilt trips, I literally would have pounced on those uncompassionate a$$holes.

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