so I told her that I'm in love with her....

by jaredg 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jaredg

    but she didn't reciprocate. she held me tight and kissed me softly. her body language says that she loves me and she's told me she cares for me very much, but she didn't say those magic words. now i feel dumb and vulnerable. we have been dating for almost 5 months now and have spent a lot of time together for the last month. we are going white water rafting and camping this weekend on a 3 day vacation. what does this mean? should i wait and see if she comes around or just cut my losses now before i become more attached? it's been a long time since i've told some one i was dating that I loved her. I forget how this works.

  • ButtLight

    I would wait......everyone goes at their own speed! Maybe she will tell you while camping.

  • sweetface2233

    If you truly love her, you'll stick by her. Don't rush her and don't cut your losses. That would be selfish...the complete opposite of love.

  • looking_glass

    I agree w/ the Light. Everyone does go at their own rate. Just cause she did not say it back tells you she feels comfortable enough w/ you to be herself and not do or say anything that is not true to her.

  • BFD

    Go camping and have fun. Don't dwell on the fact that she didn't say it back. And don't feel dumb about having told her the way you feel. She wants to be with you and that's all that matters for now, eh?


  • greendawn

    Give it some more time, some people find it difficult to undertake deep commitments so you don't have to take personally the fact that she didn't say anything in words.

  • RAF

    Nothing to add but best wishes !!!
    Oh maybe this

    I don't think that anyone looks dumb in saying to anyone he loves him/her (just saying it is a gift) what can be dumb is having too much expectations from the moment it is said.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Sometimes actions speak louder than words! Give her sometime!


  • Dragonlady76

    I disagree with most here.

    Jared it seems like this is really bothering you, since it's so important to you I would ask her about it in a non confrontational way, communication and trust are imo the most important components of a solid relationship, nothing eats away at a relationship more than doubt, so save yourself the mental anguish and intiate the communication, let her know how you feel and ask how she feels, tell her you do this because you care and only want the best.

    Goodluck. DL

  • eclipse

    "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were." Kahlil Gibran

    Just tell her you love her because you want to tell her, not because you are hoping to hear it back...if she feels it, she will tell you.

    Do not be so afraid to be hurt. Just let it be what it will be, without fear.

    Letting things go does not mean that you do not want them, or need them.

    It just means that you relinquish control over what you cannot control in the first place, another person.

    I am not saying that you are trying to control her, just passing on some wisdom that I have learned from my mistakes.


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