1.Only sick people go to the hospital. Only messed-up believers approach Kingdom Halls.
2.The JW's offer alternative explanations for everything Christian. In doing this they cite historical instances. Among their disproofs of Christendom they manage to dislodge loyalty from their prospective victims. These victims transfer loyalty to the JW's belief system. Frying pan into fire.
3.Gradual erosion of social ties and the banning of outside influences makes a JW dependant in the extreme on Kingdom Hall based socialization and Society based instruction.
4.An alert, curious and active-minded person of some intelligence will always notice discrepencies in the Watchtower propaganda message. Depending on how much individuality is left in them they will "earmark" these instances.
5. It takes a deep depression, tragedy or personal emergency to push an active JW into CONSCIOUSLY examining the UNTRUTH of the "Truth"
6.There is "nowhere to go" similar to the Kingdom Hall. This keeps most of them running on the nowhere oblivion treadmill of field service and meeting attendance.
7. 9 out of 10 (just my guess) ex-JW's have to be disfellowhipped to get the clear idea that Jehovah is a lie.
8.Few people can avoid merely carrying their mental infection (belief supported by scripture) around with them the rest of thier sad, pathetic lives.
9. A courageous, searching inventory of history, scriptural criticism, logic and fallacies is the only authentic escape from the mind-rape of Jehovah's Witness hell.
10. Once an ex-JW has the mind-tools in place, they can tackle dismantling the house of cards which composes JW theology. When they finally see for certain it is ad hoc cult-think the anger commences and life begins!