Although you may not practise any religion anymore do you......

by JH 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ButtLight
    When a woman finally stops talking, her spirit goes straight to her creator in heaven.

    Just what I thought........put your rat tail between your legs and scram! Ha!

  • trevor

    Richard Dawkins wrote The God delusion and actively, publicly debates the merits of his conclusions because as the author he is responsible for his work.

    The only person who needs to defend The Bible is its author. But who exactly is that?

  • Twitch
    yes.....I was watching The Last Temptation of Christ last night with my gf and I was getting irritated by how "unbiblical" it was and I said so.

    Yes but that's what made it an interesting movie. The book was better tho

    That book was banned and it's author Nikos Kazantzakis denounced by the Catholic Church, as I recall.

    Oh and to the question at hand, no.

  • Finally-Free

    The bible claims to be the word of an omnipotent God. If that's true, it should be able to defend itself without my assistance.


  • cruzanheart

    No, I don't. I'm entertaining the idea that the Bible is a compilation of books written by a bunch of Middle Eastern misogynists, chosen by a bunch of dried-up celibate clerics at the Council of Nicea, which bear no relation to real, NORMAL male/female relationships, let alone human/Creator relationships.

    Or substance.


  • GentlyFeral

    Well, although I have gone a long way at reclaiming my spirituality over the past dozen years, I have come around to the apparently cynical view that the Bible is like a fiddle on which you can play any tune. That is to say, you can be mean-spirited with it, or you can dip into the Psalms or the words of Jesus and concede that what they have to say about "the love of God" might actually have some reality in it.

    I found the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary to be of some use in this reclamation process. There, I learned to substitute "The Great I AM" for "the Lord", or "The Love Supreme" for "The Most High". After you do this for a while, it becomes second nature to do it in your head (or heart), so that you don't need to do it aloud, at least not all the time -- as the Jews substitute Adonai for Jehovah. Maybe it's about time to dip into that book again.

    But I have strayed from your original question. Personally, I think anything is powerful as the Bible can d*** well itself. My stepfather tried to convince me of this when I was in the process of becoming a Jehovah's Witness. Too bad it took me 30 years to get the message!

    gently feral

  • LearningToFly

    I have never defended the bible, I do though believe it is part actual absolute recorded history, but also filled with assumed presumptions...

  • Terry
    Although you may not practise any religion anymore do you still defend what the bible says to your best, when someone of another faith says something you know is completely false...

    For at least ten years after leaving the Kingdom Hall forever I was still walking around with the entire JW theology still working its magic.

    After all, it was implanted inside me. It isn't like I had actually discovered anything on my own.

    But, gradually, after meeting intelligent and professional people and having discussions with them I began to notice that I was sounding quite delusional compared to their position.

    I've told the story before...

    I was dating a psychologist and somehow got around to the subject of angels. She did not think they were actually existing beings. I quickly told her "All about" angels as per the scriptures from A thru Z.

    When I got to the part about angels leaving heaven and assuming human bodies to have sex with women and produce giants as offspring that I noticed she was looking at me as though I had lost my freaking mind!

    I had an epiphany at that moment! It sounded nuts BECAUSE IT IS NUTS!! How could a grown man spout this nonsense like it was actual history??

    I was very ashamed of myself.

    That set me on a new road, let me tell you. But, not soon enough to rescue that relationship!

  • PEC

    If god wrote it, then he should be the one to defend it, not any man.


  • Jeffro

    Parts of the bible contain valid historical information, though mythology has been interwoven into much of it. Other parts are folklore, with aspects drawn from contemporary myths of other nations. Some parts are internally contradictory.

    Trying to claim that the bible is 'inspired' because it was selected by a bunch of Catholics 1600 years ago is particularly ridiculous, especially in view of them arbitrarily rejecting other books of the day.

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