No matter how much I resist - I must acknowledge that Jesus truly saves
by ithinkisee 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Green stamps?
... on car insurance by switching to Geico?
... the best for last?
Jesus, much like drugs and alcohol, fills a hole for some people. Certain types of people need something to fill up the part of themselves they are unable to satisfy alone. Given the alternatives, religion or "getting saved" at times is the best option for people who are lost and/or struggling with addictions. I've known several people over the years that have made major changes for the better upon finding their religious fix. That being said, I don't agree with it nor do I have any respect for religion that way. To me it's better to find out how to be happy within one's self so as to negate the crippling dependancy on outside answers.
Jesus saves, and Beckham scores on the rebound!
He at least makes a good goalie!!! Is that to say Jesus invented soccer as well as everything else he is supposed to have done for mankind??Well , its true some people make their lives better for believing in Jesus, in that case its a good thing for them. I find my life much less complicated without religious beliefs of anykind.
nuh uh!
Wal-Mart Saves!
nuh uh!
Wal-Mart Saves!
Both Walmart and religion are soul crushing, community destroying, money grubbing establishments
about as much as i save and it's not a lot.