I got my "Secrets" CD today!!

by moshe 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Anybody else get theirs yet? I have to take my wife out to dinner before I open it up- can't wait. It was shipped bound printed USPS rate, which is sometimes slow.

  • BizzyBee

    Got mine this morning! Reading the commentary first, of course. So far, it is living up to the advance publicity. Damning material!

    WARNING: Those prone to stroke or heart attack, be sure to take your blood pressure medication before reading it.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I must head outt to the mail box and take a look, as I believe I ordered mine the same day you did Moshe.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    What is it about?

  • Tara

    What is it?

  • collegegirl21

    What is it? I'm so confused!

  • bigdreaux

    i'm still waiting.

  • moshe

    Damning stuff inside!! I don't know how a JW could look at this and still say, "this is God's one true organized religion on earth".

    AK-Jeff- the mail truck came to Indy first and is delivering yours tomorrow, I bet.

    What is this CD? Click the Secrets banner on top of the JWD forum and find out.

  • R6Laser

    Dammning stuff indeed, but as usual this will not be viewed by any JW's so it won't have that big effect on them. First thing my mother told me when I mentioned this CD was that she doesn't need to look at any proof from someone else she has enough proof of her own.

  • Stealth453

    I can't wait for mine to arrive.

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