First Reason I am Agnostic and Not Athiest

by fedorE 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fedorE

    Because of what i can see with my eyes and this is what i saw:

    I saw an ugly man, his son, his girlfriend and another man. The ugly man sent his son to a party and told him to bring back meat. He did. He convinced 2 young girls looking for drugs to come with him and meet his "friends" and score some drugs. When they finally reached the "friends" the ugly man punched one of the girls in the stomach and they proceeded to take them both into the woods. Once there the first one was raped. But not only was she raped she was put on her stomach and stabbed in the back with a long hunting knife over and over. Then she was sodomized and then the ugly man wiped his hands clean all over her and disposed of her in a nearby lake. The second victim tried to escape and did, but was caught not far away While trying to escape this victim somehow stabbed the ugly man's son in the genital area since she had been fighting with the ugly man's girlfriend and was gaining the upper hand.The ugly man then killed his own son saying "I brought him into this world and i can take him out of this world." When she was caught she was tied up and the ugly man used his hunting knife to tear her apart in half. This is a true story. And if it was about your daughter or your son how many of us would rationalize ,that, this is merely human behaviour by a small "normal" percentage of insane criminals no different from the animal kingdom? (No one would reason like that. I would say that i want vengence. I want them to feel the same pain they inflicted , Is the mans ability to kill equalled by the victims parents ability to kill the killers? Maybe. and yet people look to a higher power for comfort and vengence even forgiving those foolishly perhaps but they do).AT ANY RATE WHEN SUCH A CATASTROPHE HAPPENS A PART OF OUR BRAIN SCREAMS OUT FOR VENGENCE and JUSTICE. And what happens when we cant get it? WE look for a reason. We look for a purpose. We look for meaning. ITS THE LOOKING part that makes me question whether another intelligence is involved in mankinds affairs. That looking is what i cant dismiss. THe searching for answers. THe searching for why the evil? What does it"all" mean? "GOD" only knows.Written by an emotion and organically based creature

  • Gopher
    looking is what i cant dismiss. THe searching for answers. THe searching for why the evil? What does it"all" mean? "GOD" only knows.

    This part of your post defines you as a believer. Nobody on earth can prove or disprove the existence of a God with 100% certainty.

    You're an agnostic who believes.

    I'm an agnostic who doesn't believe (and hence am atheist). I won't post right here why I don't believe, that's a little off-topic.

  • sass_my_frass
    And if it was about your daughter or your son how many of us would rationalize ,that, this is merely human behaviour by a small "normal" percentage of insane criminals no different from the animal kingdom? (No one would reason like that.

    Obviously some people do reason like that. Not every parent whose daughter was brutally murdered believes in God. Since when did atheism = zero tolerance?

  • Gopher

    One more thing ... do you suggest atheists don't look for meaning, purpose and reason? We do, we just don't find those things by turning to a sky daddy. We would rather deal with issues based on reason than emotion-based faith. People who turn to religion and or God (in whatever form and by whatever name) have valid reasons to do so. The question is, is religiousness the best way to deal with issues? Or is it a delusion?

  • kwintestal

    What made the man ugly?


  • IP_SEC


    fed are you an agnostic to the idea that somewhere on this planet is a herd of hot pink flying unicorns whose farts smell of roses and daffodils? This idea cannot be disproved, but what fool would say he is a pink flying unicorn agnostic?

    Do you believe in Thor? Jove? Are you a Hera agnostic just because her nonexistence cannot be "proved"?

    You see there are short term agnostic ideas and long term agnostic ideas. There is plenty of contrary evidence to move "GOD" whomever he may be, to a status of nonexistence because the probability of his existence is so miniscule. Really about the same probability as a herd of hot pink flying unicorns that fart roses.

    I hope you are a short term agnostic only because you have not assimilated enough evidence yourself.

    Thank you for reading.

  • erandir

    One's seeming reflex to look for answers doesn't necessarily mean that one has some inner sense or instinct inside that points to some deity. It could very well be a function of some survival instinct, or it could be a result of some unknown evolutionary process. This search for answers to life's puzzling questions is no more proof of a god's existence than the witnesses belief that our inner desire not to die is evidence that we were meant to live forever.

    I'm not an athiest because I lack the evidence to officially rule out God(s). I do not wish to cling to superstition any longer, however. My path is leading me toward rational thought being the way to go through life rather than lazily accepting some belief system that gives me a false level of comfort. I am leaning toward thinking that if there is a diety, this diety wants us to use our brains and senses and realize that the universe is governed by very certain physical laws which are ours to discover and not by magic and blind faith.

    I guess I'm more of a panthiest than agnostic panthiest. Or agnostically panthiestic. Or panthiestish?

  • nicolaou

    I'm a frying pantheist. I believe god exists in kitchen utensils.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy
    First Reason I am Agnostic and Not Athiest

    First of all (and I have had to say it time and time and time and time again on this board to many differemt posters), you don't understand the definition of the word athiest. And, since you don't understand the definition of the word athiest and you are contrasting agnostic vs. athiest, it means you also don' t understand the meaning of the word agnostic.

    athiest: literally means a-thiest. Not a thiest. Does not worship a specific god. It does not mean "I don't believe a God can exist." No matter how you want to try to redefine the word, that is what is actually means. It does mean "I don't worship God(s) x, y, and z". In fact, you fedorE, are an athiest. You are an athiest to Thor, no doubt (for example) because you do not actively worship Thor. This is a binary, yes/no, belief system. Do you worship Thor? yes/no, answer: no

    agnostic: means "I don't know if a God or any Gods exist". This belief system takes many forms and is not a binary yes/no system but rather a continuum of beliefs.

    In other words, by definiton, the two terms athiest and agnostic are not mutually exclusive but rather complimentray terms that each define a part of a persons belief system. The two terms should never be set against each other in a "vs." type of discussion.

    For example, I am an athiest (to all Gods) because I do not currently, actively worship any god. I am also agnostic because I believe that it is possible (although not probable) that a god or gods exist (that is an example of how agnostics are on a continuum of belief). So, I am athiest and agnostic. The two terms are not mutually exclusive.

    By definition.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    I also didn't mean to sound disrespectful or to kill the thread.

    Sorry 'bout that.

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