So I had a thought today, that may spark some interesting conversation...... If you were able to die.....Totally, and utterly dead.and see what there REALLY is for your own eyes/soul after death......not what the bible says, not what your mom, dad, preacher, rabbi,faithful and discreet slave, conscience ...whatever says will happen....but what REALLY happens......( who can say for sure they know by the way), and then somehow you were brought back, Would you live your life differently? What if you were re-incarnated? What if there is no hell?....what if there is? what if (as we were taught as witnesses) stayed asleep in death till the new system...and were resurrected? What if you became a ghost.... what if whatever..........No one here can say they know.and don't give me any of that have faith crap.cause you don't know have not died, and the bible is not a reliable source....unless you know something no one else does... would you live differently today if somehow you came back from that death, knowing for a certainty what awaited you? p.s....near death experiences do not way to verify them from a reaction in the brain....
Would you live your life differently, if you new what happens after death?
by passive suicide 40 Replies latest jw friends
An interesing question, although I didn't see the option in your list that after death there is . . . nothing.
I'd like to think that I'm living my life the way I'd choose to whatever post-death scenarios are on offer but who knows? In my heart of hearts I know that this life right here and now really is all there is - and I'm finally satisfied with that. It can be a wonderful life yet it can also be frustrating and painful at times, but it is real!
I wouldnt live my life any differently today. I would have lived it differently when I was 12-30 years old.
The question seems to imply that some might be living in a manner which they would be ashamed of under certain circumstances, or that some might be living in a manner which might cause them to miss out on some "reward". Actually, quite a large number of people claim to "know" from personal experience what happens after death. They have "died" on operating tables, or in automobile accidents, left their bodies, observed doctors or EMS workers attempting to revive them, accurately heard conversations between these workers, and seen a little bit of what was going to happen. Obviously, they didn't see everything, because they re-entered their bodies and were "revived". However, I don't recall ever hearing a single negative experience, regardless of the life history of the individual. So, whatever happens after death, it isn't anything BAD. Based on the available information, I cannot see any reason to live my life differently.
Sad emo
What about putting it another way - what if you went to the 'afterlife' and discovered it isn't what you expected?
Personally, I wouldn't change anything apart from my perspectives possibly - try put more effort into becoming who I am? We should learn all we can from any experience we have - a visit to the afterlife included (whatever that may be - existent or non-existent!).
It would depend on what happened...but that's the whole point...
No one really knows, no one is meant to know. Everything is the way it is supposed to be, to claim it is different because we are such substantial creatures that we can essentially make God put his plans on hold while we play out some who loves who drama is absurd to me.
Just as you can't have swet without can't have the life we have without death as we know it...or don't.
Living your life differently after you found out what happens after death would mean that something you found out would be cause enough to live your life differently. What is it that you found out? Did you find that there is reward or punishment for the way you lived your present life. Then of cause one would make a change, to attain the reward and not suffer punishment. What living creature wants to suffer pain now and after death?
If you found out that death is the end of life then you might just keep on doing what you are doing. I would be same me,doing the same things no matter what I found to be the case. There is enough pain and suffering in this life....some people will do bad things no matter what and some people will continue to do good things no matter what. It is what it is and we are what we are.
Passive Suicide, do you seriously want answers?
I suggest dying before you die. Allow conscious-awareness to thoroughly penetrate beyond everything the mind believes "self" to be; pierce and observe deeper than everything the mind presents as "real".
What remains when everything that can be see through, dissolves?
Discover the unmoving, foundational-essence of Life, in which both birth and death temporarily appear.
In other words: to discover the secrets of death, discover the actuality and reality of Life, first.
Having already considered all the possible after death options, I live my life for today, loving, growing, learning, constantly trying to be the best I can be no matter what option lays before me.
I would like to think there is an afterlife. I dont think there is.
in response to your question.