We are free to love

by purplesofa 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    Yeah that's right, we're TOO STUPID to understand the Old Testament and have problems with the bloodthirsty Jehovah there.

    I guess we can only handle the New Testament written or inspired by the same god.

    (Edited to say - I plead temporary insanity for even responding to this. I had said earlier I wouldn't respond to people like this who are here to preach and not discuss)

  • eclipse

    What I have noticed since pulling away from group thinking, mindsets, rules and superstitions, that I am open to a broader range of loving people.

    I am not sure I can blame all this on the JW expericance. As children we are taught from our tribe, (family and enviroment, church, school, extended family, neighborhood..........who to love and who not to love. I used to believe as the witnesses taught, you have to "beat" the evil out of children.

    Have you ever watched a group of small children unattended? They govern themselves. They do not see race, religion, sex, income......even disfigurements.

    Throughout their development years they are taught, a script if you will, as a way to live and interact with people, their belief system, checks and balances.

    Some children will prod along living within the script, believing they are happy, but others will read that script and see its ending and leave it and re-write another life script.

    I have observed my re-writing, re-programming and the main thing I notice is my free will choice to love as I please. And it is much as how a child loves. It has opened up a world I once knew that has been closed to me for a long time.

    What I find difficult and challenging is getting people I interact with to be out of the box. At first I was frustrated and would leave that situation, but then I kept finding myself alone,

    But now, with a little effort and time, and alot of deep drawn love sometimes, I can connect with the part of the person that is not bound with barriers. It puts smiles on our faces and a bond that is true and cannot be broken. Isnt that the real truth in life?

    The recent earthquake in Peru will bring the JW's from around the world to that part of the earth and give it their attention. Their concern is so different from what most people think of, is the count of brothers and sisters and KH's. I thought if this was the organization GOD works through, they would or should evolve to a place where they can give and help others out of their organization. It would be automatic. Making a real true witness. Not to religion, but to love and truth.

    I think of the rescue workers that lost their lives this week to save miners trapped in Utah. How many JW's have actually lost their lives saving another brother? Just curious, I am sure there are some, but it is not exclusive to the JW religion as they would have us to believe.

    i am glad to be free to love openly and freely. I am glad I am not part of a group that restricts that freedom.

    I will continue to make mistakes and continue to grow. I will continue to strip away the layers of teaching and conditioning to allow my heart to feel the massive amount of love stored there.

    Happy Saturday

    love freely


    Beautiful, intelligent, poetic, emotionally raw and honest. Thank you purps. It is my sincere hope that all who are religious, sexist, racist, bigots, etc. will one day open their hearts to accepting everyone without conditions.

  • TLK

    Good point! However, Revelation 21 & 22 is what He wants for us all. Well it is simple, God is just and will judge and condemn us unless we choose His free gift of atonement.

  • Gopher

    We are free to love. Fundamental religionists are free to preach God's judgments.

    It's a free world (for the most part). I can choose to break free from the shackles of narrow-mindedness, or I can choose to accept those shackles.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    God is just and will judge and condemn us unless we choose His free gift of atonement.

    Atonement for what? Sin that his own creation is responsible for bringing upon humanity? Can't you see how completely unbalanced this thinking is?

  • eclipse

    Funny how a thread on love brings out the best in fundamentalists who would just love for all of us non-believers to be destroyed.

    The words, ''condemn and judge'' have no place on this thread. Get it?

    Or are you too blinded by your own dogma that you have lost the ability to respect others?

  • TLK

    Adam & Eve chose to sin and go against God's command-all they had to do was not eat from the fruit of two trees but they couldn't manage that. Similarly, we have all chosen to sin as well. No-one holds a gun at our heads.

  • DJK

    A very wonderful thread Purps.

    I'm an Atheist, yet if I were to believe there was a God, I would also have to believe he gave us our emotions and would be very pleased if we used his greatest emotion, love, to the fullest extent.

    Those like you who can truly are beautiful people in everyones eye's.


  • greendawn

    It's nice to feel part of the world rather than isolated in a half baked deceptive cult. There are no doubt many worthwhile individuals in the non JW world that have even risked and lost their lives to help their fellow humans, surely things are not as bad as the cult claims.

  • NvrKssdNObutt

    wow purps

    I didn't realize you are such a deep thinker! I thought you were just a pretty face.

    I think I know why you fooled me about the deep thinking. When your were a jw you were not allowed to think and now you are out of that corrupt org your mind is free to soar and you express yourself quite well.

    I must say--I was a jw for 35 years and I don't remember seeing much love anywhere in the org.

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