Hidden words in revelation book(climax)

by cultswatter 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    The first letter of a word is used to make other words. I only assembled words with 4 letters or greater as there were a lot of 3 letter words. This is most definietly put in by the bethel wirting dept.

  • sir82
    Does a blow up doll

    DU BAD!

    You sir are the anti-christ.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Did you see the WT writer in the grassy knoll making this up?

  • cultswatter


    This was from the hard coverup edition

    there is a really good one that I saw last night. The paragraph was taking about how the skies were darkened. The hidden word was SOOT!. I'll try to find that

  • AlphaOmega
    on page 93 it says: "Satan put in their" That spells TIPS

    Or SPIT... backwards would make it satanic

    I don't believe for one second that this is intentional... but just for arguments sake, what would be the purpose behind it?

    Surely the book is full of enough cack without the authors having to adjust their sentence structure to accommodate this ?

  • cultswatter

    Ya I thought about SPIT too but TIPS makes more sense. My take is that the watchtower writing dept is just going through the motions. They don't believe a single thing they are writing. They are just a bunch of bench warmers putting in time. Life must be so boring in bethel that this is their form of excitement.. They submit their work to the GB and get the big rubber stamp of approval.

    Alpha you mention an interesting point. The rev book is total cack and that is why it is childs play to fit sentence structure around that.

  • AlphaOmega

    Ya I thought about SPIT too but TIPS makes more sense. My take is that the watchtower writing dept is just going through the motions. They don't believe a single thing they are writing. They are just a bunch of bench warmers putiing in time. Life must be so boring in bethel that this is their form of excitement.. The submit their work to the GB and get the big rubber stamp of approval.

    Alpha you mention an interesting point. The rev book is total cack and that is why it is childs play to fit sentence structure around that.

    I like the idea of that A bit like "Easter Eggs" in software... ...or trying to sneak a rogue word into a presentation.

  • Matt_fs

    ill be sure to mention to the JW's next time they come to my house, that if you take the letter from each word and put them together, that it spells roses. Im sure this will convince them that the JW religion is wrong.

    come on....

  • rebel8

    Well I don't know what to think but that was very entertaining.

    I do know that ~2 yrs ago the wt's own web page had a photo of its headquarters but the sign didn't spell out watchtower, it said "Maxtower". Eventually the photo was replaced with one that hadn't been doctored.

    I saw this with my own eyes.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I will bear 2nd witness to Rebel8's testimony above. I too saw the photo. At normal enlargement it might have been mistaken for "Watchtower" but when you zoomed in it was obviously Maxtower. At he time the rumor was that someone in the Art Dept. was invited to find accommodations elsewhere as a result of that.

    Cultswatter, wouldn't you agree that it is possible to take ANY book, in ANY language, and accomplish the same kind of miraculous "discovery"?

    Or do you honestly believe that this is a characteristic of only *certain* books?

    Seriously now, as your answer will determine the sleeve length on the next jacket you are asked to try on.

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