I,m not making xcuses for the way ive lived my life, but have sunk myself into "the pleasures of this world"quite wholeheartedly. mostly to escape my own demons, ironicaly due to serving god!Just wondered if any of u guys went completely off the rails when u left n indulged in "unwholesome activies" like me.Or maybe its jus me that ended up completely f**d up?
has any1 been left with other issues(alchohol,drugs etc)as a result of life
by xnmad 12 Replies latest jw experiences
the first time i became inactive was at 19..and basically i was living by myself and far from family so i did a little experimenting with everything...i had already smoked pot and done acid as an adolescent but of course it escalated to cocaine...and i mean everyone around me was doing it..plus i felt alot of guilt..i basically had a life of going out and partying till 5,6 in th morning..the thing that actually saved me is that i met someone and they didn't do drugs, so i promised not to do them and since then I haven't..I also got pregnant and that changed my life completely...but i can see how you can get trapped in that lifestyle...have you gotten any help? AA?? NA???
My daughter has these issues and is struggling every day.
I just figured out recently that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I raised her in a F%@&ING CULT.
I never got involved in excessive alcohol, drugs or smoking only got obsessed with sex for a while as was natural after having been with the JWs for seven years and deprived of a sex life.
From what I read here some ex JWs do become involved in these things to get over the frustration caused by cultic influence and control. -
Indirectly it's the cult that pushes some of the ex members down this way as they seek to get over the god complex (jehovah is very severe and vindictive god) and the guilt complexes, leaving the WTS is like turning one's back to jehovah, dishonouring his name and pleasing his enemy satan. Also the fear that armageddon means certain death for the ex JW.
These are all fabrications but take their toll on those that take them seriously. -
(((hugs))) xnmad
You are not the only one who turned to substances to survive, I do hope though at this time if you are indulging in substances to survive you will find a way out. There are many avenues out there to do so, you only have to chose one..
When I was disassociated at age 16, I was devestated beyond belief. My heart was mortally wounded! I had already left home due to bad circumstances and had tried to commit suicide, but failed, which I am forever grateful for.
From the age of 16 (nearly 17) to almost 19 I indulged in a lifestyle that should have destroyed me or killed me, but it didnt. Although I did not die with the attempted suicide, my soul truly wished to die due to the intense overwhelming pain I carried within me for the loss of everything I knew. The life I led for two years was one of self destruction, starting from basic pot smoking, heavy drinking and clubbing, to heavier drugs like cocaine.
Shortly before I turned 19, I woke up, I really can't say what it was that triggered me to wake up, but I knew that the life I was living was not for me. It was not me. I saw the pain and suffering of those around me so clearly, and I knew that I needed to run from this self destructive path.
Sadly the only way I knew of at that time to stop this destructive path was to return to the organization. I moved back home, (blocked off the past) was reunited with my family, stopped smoking, doing drugs and drinking all within a week, and returned to the organization.
I lasted a year after returning before I walked away without looking back for the last time. An experience left me completely disillusioned, I could no longer morally involve myself with this religion any longer, so I left. (Looking back now at this moment in time, perhaps it was the step needed to help me move on in life.)
Fortunately for me, and again I don't know why, perhaps it was having already experienced the lost life of drugs and alcohol, I never did return to that way of coping. I became a complete health fanatic, and lived a drug free life. I did though live many years, lost and confused, and still carried overwhelming pain for the loss of my family. Although I wasnt officially disassociated or disfellowshiped upon my last departure, my family due to the reasons I left, did turn their backs on me again.
What I turned to at this time, instead of drugs and alcohol was counselling to deal with my unresolved issues. The journey from then to now has been a long journey, but could not have been survived mentally clear without seeking out a counselor to help me through it. I so much wish that at the beginning of this journey I had found a group of people like I have found within this forum, this would have escalated the healing of my soul much faster.
So many people along this journey told me not to allow my past to control me and continue to hurt me. Although it took a long time to take control of my life, and live for me, this was the one message that stuck in my brain and drove me forward to fight the past.
I urge you whole heartedly to spend time here and seek out support to help you move forward to a life you truly deserve. Because no matter what your mind says, no matter what the past says, you deserve to live free from the pain you feel caused by this organization.
Warm hugs to you xnmad, thank you for sharing (stay strong)
p.s. I need to share at this time in my life I do enjoy a little wine now and then, and even less occasionally a little happy smoke, I need to be honest about that, but now it is not for survival, it is simply a social moment.
Sarah Smiles
It is too bad the J.W. did not teach us how to deal with life when we fall!
Try to make good choices but if you make a mistake, God loves you!
Locutus of Borg
I was really, really good friends with Mr. Daniels and the Walker brothers for about 3 or 4 years . . .
Locutus of Borg
Oh, and their cousin from Mehico . . Mr. Cuervo . . .
Madame Quixote
From age 15 to 18, I was like a wild horse in bridle. From 18 to 21, I was like a wild horse set free. Oh! The joy! The bohemian joy! And the hangovers . . . and other toxic stuff, lol!