Looky at what I got!

by exwitless 22 Replies latest social relationships

  • JWdaughter

    Beautiful-he gave you a gift and you gave him one back by being so pleased with it! Its really pretty, girly but not fussy. Love it!

  • magoo

    ..................dayumm......a dollar two eighty nine plus eleventeen cents tax can buy happiness.............

    nicely done ldb


  • RAF

    Cool : You know what's cool in getting a particular gift ... It's the fact that you know that to give it to you the other one had think about you wanting to please you and with what.

    Now I wonder why I don't give gifts ... If you ask me who I gave gift too, it takes time for me to remember (taking my son out of the equation, I did but for a very few and it took weeks if not months for me to chose what exactly) ...

    And still which is weird also (regarding to the time it took) it takes time for me to remember what to who ... Because instead of really thinking about that what comes to my mind then is to think about those I would have love to give a gift but didn't (because it took too much time for me to think about what exactly to be special enough and gave up because I couldn't find something I really wanted to offer them - how stupid/awfull is that?) ... And I regret somehow that when I didn't have the choice about the day/when or the deadline (because it's birthday for instance) I end up giving an envelope for them to chose what they want ... And somehow it's just soooo unpersonal ... (but what to do?).

  • lisavegas420

    very pretty...and happy anniversary.


  • misanthropic

    Very pretty! Wow! 14 years? Congratulations both of you on your anniversary!

  • free2think

    Very, very nice. LDB has good taste. Happy Anniversary on tuesday.

  • bigdreaux

    people that say money can't buy you happiness..............are shopping in the wrong stores.

    congrats you too. here's to many more happy years.

  • sandy

    Those are very pretty. Congrats & Happy Anniversary.

  • exwitless

    Thanks, everyone. We're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate early, because it's hard to have time to do things like that on a Tuesday night since we both work, etc. Especially to have time to go to The Melting Pot. It's been our anniversary tradition for several years now to go there. Yum yum. We love it. And I'm going to wear my new jewelry.

  • greendawn

    Despite what the JWs say money does bring a good measure of financial and emotional security and not having money creates a lot of stress and agitation.

    That jewellery is a great present for a wedding anniversary.

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