Congregation concessions made for PO visit

by loosie 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie

    Minister Amos said

    >>Oh and brother and sister CO. don't eat such and such food.<<

    Brother CO would send us a letter about a month in advance stating his dietary requirements and what sort of accomodations he would prefer.

    Which made me think did every PO have to have things a certain way?

    I remember the PO's wife being allergic to all smells. We could not use hairspay, deorderant or perfume the week of their visit. And we she stayed away from the meeting on any particular night we were reminded again that she is allergic to smells. It was like they were saying to us "alright who wore perfume to the meeting?" You couldn't even wash your clothes (including underware) in Downey she could smell that too.

    I have never gone over to someone's house and told them what I prefer to eat and do while I am in their home.

  • greendawn

    It's a strange situation if she was that allergic they would be better off staying at a hotel, the org has enough money for that. Hosts don't need so much aggravation beyond the hospitality they already offer.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I remember the PO's wife being allergic to all smells. We could not use hairspay, deorderant or perfume the week of their visit.

    I think this sort of allergy isn't all that rare, but I knew two CO's wives that this was attributed to. And yours makes 3. One wonders where the allergy ends and the convenient excuse to not listen to the same damn talk AGAIN begins.

    I don't know if they all do this, but one CO told me that he reworks his talks and mixes things up a bit at every congregation, specifically so his wife doesn't get bored. I always admired that about him. (Gary Carey, you're a good guy! I hope you're out of the org by now!)


  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    Circuit Overseers and their wives must be among the unhealthiest group of people on the planet!

    From reading the posts from around the world, I am amazed at the number of occurences where they have health or allergy problems!

    Perhaps JWs have a higher rate of hypochondria than the rest of the population?

    (DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER - Before I get a load of abuse about my comment I KNOW that there are sincere individuals (JWS) who have a genuine health problem).

  • steve2

    The PO's wife is allergic to way too many things. I'd say she needs a change of lifestyle: getting her husband to stop his PO work would be good; stopping meeting attendance altogether would be better still; disassociating would be better yet. I bet her allergies would clear with days.

  • loosie

    Well this particular PO's wife pretty extreme. The whole congregation had to go the meetings w/o deordorant. All that so her nose wouldn't be bothered, what about the rest of our noses that night.

    One time she went out in service with one of sweetest old ladies I know. And she started sniffing about her and asked her is she was wearing deodorant. The sister said no I didn't. Then she asked her is she washed her clothes in downy. She said no I didn't. Then the POo's wife asked if she washed her underwear in downy. That took some nerve.

  • exwitless

    That is absolutely rediculous to mandate that no one can wear deodorant, wash their clothes, etc. for the CO's wife's sake. I would have outright refused to attend the meetings when they were there. How 'bout that, CO's wife? No one at the KH = no allergies. That woman did not belong in the circuit work. They should have removed her hubby as CO due to his wife's extreme "health problems".

    One CO's wife that visited our congregation was hyper-allergenic. Her allergies were of every sort of food and every type of chemical. When we'd take them out to lunch, she'd bring a brown bag lunch of her "all natural" crap. All conversations with her revolved around her food sensitivities and allergies. She was absolutely obsessed with it. Definitely sounds like a phenomenon among CO wives.

  • Gregor

    CO's wives are in a class of their own. They have no home. They live a vagabond life and get their asses kissed all the time and know they have done nothing to be worthy of it. I can remember so many who holed up in their little caravans parked 10 feet from the back door of the KH and would miss meetings for the whole week. The CO would make excuses, usually playing the illness card. In most of these cases she was keeping company with her alcoholic beverage of choice. I truly felt sorry for some of them, what a miserable life!

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Sounds like the rock stars of the society! Gotta have all their backstage needs & desires attended to or else heads will roll. Sheesh. All I can say is I'm glad I was never so far in as to see all this stuff up close and personal. LOL that's what jw's need...posters of their CO's, PO's & DO's etc. to go up on their walls.

  • Hortensia

    I remember a CO who gave us the recipe for the pie he wanted made every time he visited. At the time I was glad to make the pie. Now I wonder about that - a little prima donna-ish, wasn't it?

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