So what is it? I say mine is English with an admixture of German (before the Nazis ever existed, no need to go on about that) Northern French and Italian from Venice. I look Northern European and feel close to that part of the world with family tradition being Roman Catholic.
What is your heritage?
by greendawn 79 Replies latest jw friends
if i'm correct, i think i'm a "human being" from the planet Earth.... but i could be wrong.....
Black & German, plus Czech, Native American, and French (the latter two - further back).
California - totally a Californian
I'm mostly Irish from both sides of my parents families.
I look very Irish but you can also see the Cherokee Indian in from my Dads side of the family in my facial bone structure. -
I am a mut. Mostly Irish and Scottish other than that I do not know.
Wait a second I forgot I desend from the greatest american general to ever live !
Robert E. Lee through my grand mother.
Also some lady the gorillias in the mist was about Dian Fossey is in my family some where.
John Doe
I have no idea. I've been told we have a lot of Irish, and I can believe it seeing how dad is red headed and I have a reddish tint. Mom's family came from England. A little American Indian is thrown in the mix, but who doesn't have that? ;-) Some relatives were doing some genealogical research a few years ago, and they came across a famous outlaw--can't remember the name. Guess it wasn't important.
Hot headed Irish. We have our family history ... came over during the potato famine.