by Terry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    If God is real.... what's your beef? (He's God, we're not)

    If God is not real.... what does it matter?

    Not being critical, just curious.

    Read your question and ask yourself if it is just slightly REDUCTIONIST.

    As though GOD is just this one, particular, exact, precise, understandable, describable, known quantity of identity RATHER THAN just about a million contradictory descriptions offered in a multitude of so-called Holy Writings.

    It isn't JUST a question of God/no God. Not by a mile.

    It isn't JUST a question of exists/doesn't. Not by five miles.

    Believing in God cannot have any credibility without identifying who/what you are believing. This means WHICH particular story/description/theology/belief system you are believing in.

    Ask yourself this question: WHAT IS THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE being offered by Christianity as a total gestalt?

    Why, it is SALVATION!

    Salavation is a corkscrew, of course. There are hundreds of variations of the mechanism!

    But, in essence, my Topic seeks to cause people (such as yourself who cannot even being to think of God as a complex problem rather than a reductionist pinpoint) to examine the PRODUCT or SERVICE rationally.

    What are you buying in to? Does it work? Does it make sense?

    Or, are you being duped with a crackpot gizmo being fobbed off as a panacea?


  • LittleToe

    I think the reductionism is evidenced more in sidetracking genuine responses into the subject of "salvation". For most folks this is not a day to day concern, regardless of beliefs.

    For the majority of Christians its about "relationship". Now that is a subject worthy of discussion, complete with all the messy, chaotic, personal values that it holds to each and every subjectively experienced nuance that it brings to bear on the topic...

    Would you call a parent "corrupt" just because they are idiosyncratic from your perspective? Does "God" have to fit some kind of prescribed version of "perfection" wherein He is straitjacketed from performing His version of the very human gifts of mercy, grace, or substitutory penance? If we are allegedly made in God's image, or Him in ours, where is the difficulty in this quality being extended to His toolset? It seems to be a very small and reductionist worldview (or should that be "theology" or God-view?) that doesn't permit this.

    Just a few supplimentary questions

  • Terry
    Would you call a parent "corrupt" just because they are idiosyncratic from your perspective?

    Let's take a look at that, shall we?

    1.How many parents deliberately give their children dependancy? Most parents I know work to help a child become independant.

    2.How many parents want to keep their children inferior in every way to themselves? Most parents I know want more for their kids than what they themselves have.

    3.How many parents leave their children unattended when a seducer or molester is around?

    4.How many parents punish the child if they succumb to the molesters insidious enticements?

    5.How many parents condemn their children and curse their own grandchildren when they err?

    6.How many parents allow the innocent child to take the rap for the kid who does the harm?

    The list is endless!

    7.How many parents toss their kid in the lake (to teach them how to swim) and watch as they drown and excuse this behavior by saying, "I knew I could pull them out and give them artificial respiration to bring them back to life." ???

    Re-read your question now in light of the above.


    You have a bright mind Terry - but you are wasting it dwelling on the morality of the god of the Bible. It simply doesn't add up, make sense or fool anyone unless they want to be fooled.

    Christians will die in the arena without hesitation to prove their faith. What they can not face is the loss of their hope of living forever.

    The Bible story is one of many attempts, by various religions, to help people avoid facing up to the inevitability of the finality of death. It is also possibly the poorest, most contradictory and illogical attempt at theology, ever undertaken.

  • Blueblades

    Terry, You and I and many others have come to the conclusion that 'The Holy Bible" is not so Holy afterall.That it is a product of man, not God.

    Many others believe it to be inspired and from God. And put their life experiences and faith that this is so. If only more would read the book by Bart D.Ehrman, "Misquoting Jesus" the story behind who changed the Bible and why, how mistakes and changes shaped The Bible we read today. Even so , many will still refuse to accept it.

    I know that you are asking questions of believers, asking them to make sense out of what is written in the bible.

    In your mind and my mind and many others, These questions are moot to us. We have done the research and have reached our conclusions.

    The believers will continue to believe even if they can't argue with you. Their faith and experiences and belief system is embedded. And this I cannot argue with , because it belongs to them personally.

    If only the questions that you ask could be directed at those who actually wrote the bible, but, they are all dead. Living scholars can only interpret your questions based on their own belief system and that is why there is so much confusion among them, two camps as it were, always for and against what is written.

    It's the same with those who refuse to accept that the Watchtower is not God's organization. No matter what evidence we present to them that this is so, they refuse to accept this for whatever reasons that they have within themselves.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    .How many parents deliberately give their children dependancy? Most parents I know work to help a child become independant.

    2.How many parents want to keep their children inferior in every way to themselves? Most parents I know want more for their kids than what they themselves have.

    3.How many parents leave their children unattended when a seducer or molester is around?

    4.How many parents punish the child if they succumb to the molesters insidious enticements?

    5.How many parents condemn their children and curse their own grandchildren when they err?

    6.How many parents allow the innocent child to take the rap for the kid who does the harm?

    The list is endless!

    7.How many parents toss their kid in the lake (to teach them how to swim) and watch as they drown and excuse this behavior by saying, "I knew I could pull them out and give them artificial respiration to bring them back to life." ???

    Gee, Terry, you just described MY parents to a tee! (yes, even #7) Though, it is to be expected, as they are PERFECT JW's adhering to God's PERFECT standards.


  • LittleToe

    Terry:And yet, for all that, you would likely still hold up a human parent as being more humane than the picture of "God" that you've painted for yourself. What is the touchstone for that belief? True justice tempered with a smattering of mercy? What makes aperfect parent in your eyes?

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