Small Steps - My Progress

by Princess Daisy Boo 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to to write quickly and let you all know how proud I am of myself...

    This weekend, Hubby and I took the kids to my Mom and Dad for a visit. I have avoided doing this for a while, just because I get so stressed when we get together.

    For example, if they come to my house, I do a massive tidy up, hide all my son's controversial toys (you know - what he calls "Armies" - little green soldiers, water pistols that resemble guns, and that sort of thing) make sure there are no birthday/christmas/mothers's day cards, hide my sex and the city dvd collection, etc... I am sure you will understand, anything that my mother could come across and use as a reason to fight with me, things that would "disappoint" her, and then would start the gulit trip...

    Anyway, I digress... so this weekend... I decide that we will go visit them and I decide that, screw everything, I am not doing the whole Double Life Hide Anything That Would Offend Mom or Dad routine, so my son went in his camo shirt, and took one of his "armies" with (see the aformentioned definition) and my little girl started singing "happy birthday" for no reason except that she likes to sing and that is a fun song, and you know what, I did not flinch, my heart did not beat faster, I did not start breathing fast or blush, or all the other panicky things I normally do when I think my cover is about to be blown, I just carried on, as normal. My mom looked at the little soldier and said in her usual voice of JW disapproval " What on earth is this" to which my son answered innocently,"it's an army Gran", and I said nothing. When my daughter started serenading us with Happy Birthday, my mother asked whose birthday it was and I said no one, she just likes the song, and no comment was made about the camo tshirt.

    And when we left my parents house, I felt calm... just fine... not relieved that we had survived another visit, just calm. And a small incy wincy part of me was even disappointed that she did not react hugely to anything, because I would then have had things out with her once and for all... I guess as I read this and think of what I am telling you all, the point is this... In the last few weeks of reading and parcipating regularly on this forum, I have started to feel not so all alone and guilty and bad anymore, I am getting stronger and maybe, oneday I will actually take a stand, and truly walk away!

    Thanks Guys!!!

  • IP_SEC

    Good for you PDB!

  • free2think

    Woohoo, good going PDB.

  • Honesty

    Good for you, PDB !!!

    Once the fear of displeasing family is overcome, escaping the mind control of the Watchtower is relatively easy.

  • ex-nj-jw


    My kids loved to play with "armies" As time goes on it will get easier and easier!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Good job. These are actually bigger than small steps.

    You allowed your children to be themselves without making attempts to hide
    their normal activity or apologize for it. You forced the JW to deal with it or
    ignore it.

    Again, good job.

  • brinjen

    Way to go PDB!

  • garybuss

    You wrote: "not relieved that we had survived another visit"

    Thanks for the update. Isn't it a sad commentary that our legacy has reduced a visit to our parents to something to survive? How wrong is that? And it's a common denominator with us.

    If I had it to do over, I'd do a better job of protecting my sons from Witnesses. I was irresponsible and now I'm paying for it.

  • RAF

    ... ...

  • sspo

    Good for you.

    If your parents don't like it,start avoiding you, they are the ones that will miss out.

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