mum heard on the radio...

by dobbie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    that in britain and scotland they have been having trial areas where cold callers including religious callers are banned, mainly to protect the elderly because there are so many scammers. Apparently the government are now seriously thinking about extending it all over. Would'nt it be great not to worry about them coming knocking at the door?They'd probably just all congregate in the streets and try to catch you that way lol! I did say though that if it did happen they'd probably see it as another sign of the last days, turning against religion etc even though its for salesmen as well. Anyone else hear it?

  • AlphaOmega
  • AlphaOmega

    You're right... they will claim that this is "a sign of the end" and that religion is being banned.

    "...any day now... just around the corner"

  • greendawn

    I haven't heard it but it would be good if all scammers were kept at a safe distance and the JWs surely belong to that category since they manipulate and exploit their members, that is victims.

  • dobbie

    AlphaOmega thanks for putting the bbc site up, i found it mentioned on a times one and a scottish one too where jws were mentioned briefly, but don't lnow how to do links. I just googled cold caller and jehovahs witnesses and saw what it brought up. I must go on a computer course!

  • AlphaOmega
    but don't lnow how to do links.

    That was my first "webpage with a post" post

    When you are posting, click on the icon with "internet explorer 'e' on a piece of paper". Then type in your link - it worked for me

    Thanks for highlighting this subject, I wasn't aware of it until you posted.

    Good luck with the links

  • dobbie

    Well tried to put the other two on here but it won't do it! If you type them onto google bar it comes up with clickable links so i will put them down in case anyone is bored enough type all this in - sorry!

  • AlphaOmega

    I'll put the champagne picture away for another time... had it all lined up and on ice

  • dobbie

    thats okay can't drink at the moment anyway lol!

  • AlphaOmega
    thats okay can't drink at the moment anyway lol!

    Ouch ! All okay I hope. I'll keep it on ice for another time

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