I have thought of similar before... it happened during the Eucharist once.
The analogy of "the Body of Christ" struck me.
He died for us... His Spirit was released to us... We therefore make up his new body... As Paul says, each of us has a different function.
One bread - one body.
As you say, in the analogy is that that the blood continually cleanses, but it is my understanding that we never are sinless.
We all sin / make mistakes / act selfishly, even after accepting the acts of Jesus However, God treats as though it were clean.
Wow... I haven't thought about Christianity in such literal terms for ages.
For me, thinking of it in terms of "being made clean through his blood" brings to mind the doctrine of transubstantiation and all the literallness that goes with it.
I think that any analogy falls short of the mechanics of the "how and why" of God's gift.
I tend to think of "salvation" as a free gift to all those who accept it by recognising Jesus as their God who loved them so much that he was willing to die for them.